Apache Configuration issue on Solaris

I seem to have an issue with Apache configurationon our Sun solaris Server.
Since there are 2 my_app instances running in parallel, the perl modules in my_app_perl_libs are getting shared
between them, even though they are in different directories (/u01/my_app and /u01/my_app8).
This is because of a bug in Apache, which seems to be using the same namespace across virtual hosts. I have been trying to get a fix for this all day, but seems that the Apache and mod_perl versions that we have are pretty old(Not sure which version).

In case you know the answer or a way to fix it, Please let me know.

Installing a fresh Apache/Mod Perl would be my last option.

Thanks in Advance,
Rahul Rathod.

I have just discovered that the issue is with having two perl modules with the same name but in different directories.

As soon as I comment out the my_app8 virtual host entry the erros do no occur. This means that these two perl utils are conflicting with each other.
Changing their name is not feasible as many perl scripts are dependent.

Still looking for a good solution.
