Anyone know of any FUN countdown script

Hi all,

Does anyone know of any FUN countdown script that I can use for my script? At the moment, am just using sleep 10 or more and then print stuff into the screen to allow more time for the user to decide whether they want to continue running the script or abort?

Just thought of wanting to make it a bit "fun" in some way maybe something like a progress bar, is that possible?

Any tips will be very appreciated. Thanks.

string='          '
while [ -n "$string" ]
  printf "\r\e[41m%s\e[0m " "$string"
  sleep 1
printf "\r \n"

Maybe you can find something of your flavour here:

Google Search Results for process bar | The UNIX and Linux Forums

Or how about this:

s1=' \e[41m \e[0m \e[41m \e[0m \e[41m \e[0m \e[41m \e[0m \e[41m \e[0m '

echo "Press any key to continue"

while :
  printf "$s1\n"
  printf "${s1#?}\n\e[2A"
  read -sn1 -t.3 && break
  printf "${s1#?}\n"
  printf "$s1\n\e[2A"
  read -sn1 -t.3 && break
printf "                 \n                    \n\e[3A\e[K"