any way to speed up calculations in bash script

hi i have a script that is taking the difference of multiple columns in a file from a value from a single far i have a loop to do that.. all the data is floating point..fin [i]has the difference between array1 and array2..array1 has 700 x 300= 210000 values and array2 has 700 values..

while [ $j -lt $outer ];do
while [ $i -lt $count1 ];do
fin=`echo $a - $b | bc`
printf "%.1f," ${fin} >> "$count".diff
echo >> "$count".diff

i am using bc to calculate the floating point subtraction. problem is i have about 600 columns and 300 rows..the script takes a long time to execute.. is there any way i can speed it up?

Don't call the external command 21,000 times. Pipe your calculations to a single instance of it.

And I would use awk rather than bc.

while [ $j -lt $outer ];do
  while [ $i -lt $count1 ];do
    printf "%f\n" "${ARRAY1[k]} - ${ARRAY2[j]}"
    i=$(( $i + 1 ))
    k=$(( $k + 1 ))
  j=$(( $j + 1 ))
done | awk '/^$/ { print; next }
{ printf "%.1f," $1 - $2 }
'  > "$count.diff"

If you are processing the entire arrays:

for a in "${ARRAY1[@]}"
  printf "%f $a\n" ${ARRAY2[@]}
done | awk '/^$/ { print; next }
{ printf "%.1f,", $1 - $2 }

thanks. i am using bc because the numbers are floating point.. i also tried:

while [ $j -lt $outer ];do
  while [ $i -lt $count1 ];do
    printf "%f\n" "${ARRAY1[k]} - ${ARRAY2[j]}"
    i=$(( $i + 1 ))
    k=$(( $k + 1 ))
  j=$(( $j + 1 ))
done | awk '/^$/ { print; next }
{ printf "%.1f," $1 - $2 }
'  > "$count.diff"

and i got an error:

./lines1: line 77: printf: -0.5422 - : invalid number
./lines1: line 77: printf: -0.5422 - : invalid number
./lines1: line 77: printf: -0.5422 - : invalid number
./lines1: line 77: printf: -0.5422 - : invalid number
./lines1: line 77: printf: -0.5422 - : invalid number
./lines1: line 77: printf: -0.5422 - : invalid number
./lines1: line 77: printf: -0.5422 - : invalid number
./lines1: line 77: printf: -0.5422 - : invalid number
./lines1: line 77: printf: -0.5422 - : invalid number
./lines1: line 77: printf: -0.5422 - : invalid number

seemed like it was taking the difference but errored i still need bc?

printf cannot subtract numbers for you, that's what bc is for.

    printf "%f %f\n" "${ARRAY1[k]}" "${ARRAY2[j]}"

that is just going to print the values.. i still need to take the difference.. is there any way i can round the data values in ARRAY1 and ARRAY2? this way i can get rid of the extra precision and speed up my calculations..

It prints the values which are piped to awk where the subtraction is performed.

That's done in awk.

Changing the precision will not affect the speed.

ok i tried the printf and here is the error i got:

while [ $j -lt $outer ];do
  while [ $i -lt $count1 ];do
    printf "%f\n" "${ARRAY1[k]} - ${ARRAY2[j]}"
    i=$(( $i + 1 ))
    k=$(( $k + 1 ))
  j=$(( $j + 1 ))
done | awk '/^$/ { print; next }
{ printf "%.1f," $1 - $2 }
'  > "$count.diff"

awk: cmd. line:2: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: not enough arguments to satisfy form
at string
           ^ ran out for this one

its erroring out at that awk printf statement..

printf "%f %f\n" "${ARRAY1[k]}" "${ARRAY2[j]}"

ok that last thing.. i have a newline in my original script as follows:

#while [ $j -lt $outer ];do
#b=$(printf %.1f ${ARRAY2[j]})
#while [ $i -lt $count1 ];do
#a=$(printf %.1f ${ARRAY1[k]})
#fin[i]=`echo $a - $b | bc`
#printf "%.1f," ${fin[i]} >> "$count".diff
#echo >> "$count".diff # i have this newline here


how do i get a newline using the awk statement?

Replace echo with:

printf "\n\n"

Or modify the awk code:

/^$/ { printf "\n\n"; next }

ok great that worked!! thanks a lot for your help..