Any Luck installing GCC on AIX7.?


Not sure where to start with this so I’ll get to it…basically I have been banging my head against the keyboard the last 5 years piecing together some of these old AIX systems.

And well it was decided we are not replacing the one I am currently working on but would rather try and upgrade. it looks like old devs managed to get gcc 4.8.2 installed along side QT4.

But I can’t seem to find anything precompiled above 4.8.3. So I started looking into trying to build from source…and well…I don’t even want to go there (unless anyone else has any luck building gcc 7+ on AIX 7.1.3)

So I’m looking for some pointers here. I’ve visited IBMs official toolbox but admins can’t seem to get those RPMs to work.

And perzl seems sketchy now being its no longer a secure site (not sure what that is all about ) but have had much luck with perzl and bullfreeware. However I’m looking to try and install a much later version than they offer (if possible)

yum and dnf are not an option - co workers went down that rabbit hole for me already …

Has anyone here had any luck installing a modern version of GCC on AIX 7.1 ? If so what was the process ? I’m looking for anything at this point

@PickledToes , welcome.

your 'explanations' for why other methods have not worked lack content so, responses to that vagueness may be mirrored.

I found the following

also a search ( for gcc for aix7 returns a shedload of potential links - try for yourself

NB: I have no access to any AIX system ! (used it ~30yrs ago and still in recovery from the experience :cry: )

Well, this is a good place to start. Bear with me here I will likely be using my phone for some of these post.

I did start with RPM Hell because believe it or not it seemed to be the easiest path and the RPMs from the link you provided did seem promising. However, those rpms ask for a package called AIX-rpm. Which doesn’t seem to part of any package available on that site. Upon searching I found very little details around what exactly that package is and is used for. If you search it you’ll find that it supposed to be installed on all AIX systems. Or you’ll find some kind of “virtual rpm” None of our admins can figure it out. So I can take an explanation around what that package is used for if anyone knows what that package is exactly.

As for duck duck go. I have not tested that as a search as it is not commonly used tool at my workplace. However, you feel that that search engine yields results Google, bing, and GPT do not, then l will most definitely give that go. Right now.


does not have much details (seems typical for the IBM online documtation).
But I got that the rpm is available from
That seems to have a self-signed certificate; convince your browser to trust it. Then navigate to the aixtoolbox/INSTALLP/ppc/ and download the rpm.rte

I found more detailed instruction here:

But this still refers to the old ftp protocol that modern browsers no longer support.
You can try this with an anonymous ftp on the command line:

cd /var/tmp
login: ftp
passwd: you@yourmaildomain
ftp> get /aix/freeSoftware/aixtoolbox/INSTALLP/ppc/rpm.rte
ftp> quit

No way! Ok I’ll try this today or tomorrow and get back go you! If this is it you’re a hero! I appreciate the quick responses! Be back! Thanks again!

welp this did do the trick but that didn’t ultimately end up being the bigger issue in the end. Still stuck on gcc 4.8.2 because free licensing ended at QT 5.6? And no longer supported at QT 5.7.

This is technically resolved thank you! I think the next course of action is questions around multiple compilers so I think I will start a new thread. Thanks again folks !

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