Antivirus for Solaris 8

Hi- I am looking for a best open source antivirus software for solaris other than clamav. We have been using clamav but it doesnot work on old solaris 8 systems..compiling the clamav and installing it on old solaris 8 systems resulted in system crash.Our business don't have any plan for OS upgrade for these systems. But we need an antivirus in opensource for these systems. Please suggest any other product that can be used..

I'd recommend against this approach. It is counterproductive to run a version of Solaris that old and try and secure it with AV software. I suggest you consider upgrading again, and if you simply cannot do that then consider other methods of securing the server such as limiting access to it via firewall or other methods.

You hardly find a virus for Solaris 8. Only if it's a file server it makes sense to install a virus scanner - it will find viruses for ms windows.
But you can install Nessus that will find unauthorized access to the Solaris.

You might find tripwire helpful. You should be able to use it to keep track of changes in certain files. I have not set it up myself, but I know it is used to make sure that configurations don't change for applications.

Installing, configuring, and using Tripwire<sup>&reg</sup> to verify the integrity of directories and files on systems running Solaris 2.x