Anonymous ftp log?

I was wanting to know if there is any log/tracker for anonymous ftp activity for users that are logging in to our server. We migrated over to a new server and cleaning up some loose ends on the old server. We noticed that some files are being loaded on the old server via anonymous ftp. We are trying to figure out who this may be so we can notify them to have these files loaded to the new server. The server in question is on Solaris 8.

Thanks in advance.

The only way I've seen to log all ftp activity in older Solaris is:

daemon.debug                    /var/log/daemonlog

ftp     stream  tcp6    nowait  root   /usr/sbin/in.ftpd    in.ftpd -l -d

So daemonlog will have the IP of all of the connectors and the username. If your configuration is not like this I don't know what to tell you to do.