and again, socket() related problem...

Dear All,

I've searched many topics and googled many web-pages, but still I didn't found solution to this problem.

I want to set timeout for connect(). The thing is, that my code works only on BSD, on Linux (tested on SuSE box) it freezes at connect() call :frowning:

SomeFunc(std::string rHost, unsigned int rPort, int rTimeout)
        struct timeval  timeout;
        fd_set          set;
        int             flags;
        timeout.tv_sec  = rTimeout;
        timeout.tv_usec = 0;

        MySocket                sock;



        try {
                flags = fcntl(sock.GetSocket(), F_GETFL);
                if (flags == -1) throw 1;
                flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
                fcntl(sock.GetSocket(), F_SETFL, flags);

                FD_SET(sock.GetSocket(), &set);
                flags = select(sock.GetSocket() + 1, &set, &set, &set, &timeout);
                int maxfd = max(maxfd, sock.GetSocket());
                select(maxfd + 1, &set, &set, &set, &timeout);
                FD_ISSET(sock.GetSocket(), &set);
                if (flags == -1) throw 2;

                if (!sock.connect()) return false;

                flags = fcntl(sock.GetSocket(), F_GETFL);
                flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
                fcntl(sock.GetSocket(), F_SETFL, flags);
        catch (int n) {
                log.log("can't set timeout, using system defaults (exp #" +
                itos(n) + ", errno #" + itos(errno) + ")");

                if (!sock.connect()) return false;


        return true;

MySocket is a C++ class, it's just a wrapper to such functions, like socket(), getservbyname(), etc.

I know, it is possible to use alarm() and such, but I don't want to use signals, because application is multithreaded. I've tried to implement timeout by using poll(), but I have no success with it.

I know, the solution is simple, but I can't find it :frowning:

Thanks for your helping.

Problem solved. Here's the solution: Socket: Select() howto - System iNetwork Forums