Ambiguous output redirect error

Hi everyone, While I was trying to do

DATE=`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`
tmboot -y > $STARTLOG 2>&1

I got an error i.e. Ambiguous output redirect error. Here the first part is to boot the account so there is nothing wrong with that. I have defined the startlog also but I dint understand why I am having problem here.

I dint get what that error means. I will appreciate any help to make this right.

thanks alot

tmboot -y  > "$STARTLOG" 2>&1 

That really dint change anything. Its the same error message again

That is a csh/tcsh error but you have used bourne redirect syntax.

The csh/tcsh syntax would be:

command >& logfile

That's not only [t]csh:

$ q="we rt"
$ echo x > $q
bash: $q: ambiguous redirect

Actually it is when written as posted by the OP. The uppercase 'A' is the indicator for this hence I took this to be a copy+paste.

yeah you are right its c shell error. i thought im in ksh but actually im in c shell so when i used

cmd > & file its working.

thanks alot