Alternative debugger to GNU insight debugger

GNU insight debugger is not available now a days and it is required to debug/inspect
assembly code as written in the book Assembly Language Programming step by step in Linux [3rd Edition] so my question is; is there any alternative to insight that I can use instead of insight in which I can get the same functionality. I am learning assembly [use nasm in slack 11]?

I thought the gnu debugger was gdb?

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Insight is simply a graphical frontend to gdb written in TCL/TK. It is still available - see Insight home page.

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Thanks for your help.
yes, gnu debugger is gdb but insight is just more than gdb front end. My case is solved. Please visit Gary Albers's page www[dot]stepbystep[dot]ishipaco[dot]com. I followed the "Solution Three", downloaded the script and installed insight successfully. It also upgraded gdb to 6.8x.
Thnx again for the insight home page, i was never able to find out even after lot of googling. :slight_smile:

gdb has many capabilities that are difficult to use in text-mode debugging. I strongly suspect the TCL script doesn't do all the hairy things itself...

You can also try Nemeiver or configure Eclipse CDT.

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