Alias not working

Hello, I am trying to set an alias in my .kshrc or .profile and when I do it is not setting. If I do it manually it works fine. Is there another file I should put this in? Here is the alias I am using.

alias ll='ls -ltr'

I am using solaris 9. When I type alias it does not show these unless I manually define it. Thank you.


How did you test? deconnecting yourself and coming back?
Did you . ./.kshrc then test?

I modified the .profile and .kshrc and then logged out and back in.


type "aliases"

If still not working, can you source .profile: . ./.profile and see if it works...
(connect using ssh?)

You are using ksh as your shell, right?

The syntax for aliases in .profile when using ksh is:

 alias 'll=ls -ltr' 

Try this:
cd to your home directory, then:

# echo "alias 'll=ls -ltr'" >> .profile
# . ./.profile
# ll