Ajaxterm in a website on apache

Hi All,
I'm trying to get ajaxterm hosted on a website. The site is already running. I just want to add ajaxterm link to it with SSL of course. So far I've not been successful. I kinda got it running but with out SSL. Not good enough!
Also, I already have configured SSL and I can access some of the link via https. Anyhow this what I've been trying to do:

<VirtualHost term.mysite.org:80>
ServerName term.mysite.org
Redirect 301 / https://www.mysite.org/
CustomLog /var/log/term_access.log combined
ErrorLog /var/log/term_error.log


<VirtualHost 172.XX.XX.100:443>
        DocumentRoot /xapache/htdocs/
        ServerName www.mysite.org
        ErrorLog /var/log/error.log

        SSLEngine on
        SSLProtocol all
        SSLVerifyClient none
        SSLCertificateFile /xapache/secure/mycert.pem
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /xapache/secure/mykey.pem
        SSLCACertificatePath /xapache/secure
        SSLCACertificateFile /xapache/secure/my_certificate.pem

ProxyRequests Off
<proxy *>
       AuthType Basic
       AuthName "Special Access"
       AuthUserFile /xapache/secure/luser
       Require user luser
       Order deny,allow
       Allow from all
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8022/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8022/

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
