AIX Version 4 Bacup - HELP!

I am TOTALy new to Unix. One of the internal tapes will be replaced by an external one today. I don't even know where to is the install done and how do I redirect the backup to the new external tape drive? Please help - anyone?

Sorry for being so blunt, but: get some professional help. Everything i could tell you right now would be a VERY lenghty article and even this would not take into account any of the many things that could go wrong or are depending on which hardware/software combination exactly you are working on (AIX 4.x was around for about 7 years and there is a HUGE difference between a 4.1.5 system and a 4.3.3 ML11 system).

As you do not even know anything about UNIX as you said this would be like helping someone who has never been piloting an aeroplane how to safely land a 747. This might be possible in movies but in reality this simply is not going to work.

So get some professional with an AIX background and let him/her do it. Pay an hour more and s/he might even explain some of the basics of the system to you. You on yourself (even with well-meant help from here) have a close-to-100% chance of ending in disaster, perhaps a lot more expensive than the cost of the consultant in first place.


"Perhaps" ?

Ignorance is bliss.
Knowledge is power.

But just a handful of facts will get you in trouble faster than you can say 'help!'

About 10 years ago, fresh back from my first unix class, I did something that seemed innocent at the time. Fortunately, it was at about 4:40 on a Friday afternoon. I say fortunate, because about a minute later my phone started ringing, and I ended up spending most of the weekend in the office fixing my error.

Bottom line: Get professional help.

While i really enjoyed the story it is off-topic here. I moved the last posts to the Unix Lounge, What's on Your Mind. Please find your posts here:\#post302188774
