AIX Unix.. number of users on system in a particular group

Does anyone know what pipe string might be used to determine how many people are logged onto an AIX system where a group ID begins with lets say 4.

In other words, I am looking to query the system for the number of people currently logged onto a system that belong to any group starting with 4. Could be 400, 4102, 444, etc.

This will give you a list of users and gid starting with 4 - modify it for your needs ( sorry it's what I use to write scripts in).

set allusers="`who -q`"
foreach xx ($allusers)
        if ("$xx" == "#") then
                # find info on user
                set mygid=`grep $xx /etc/passwd|awk -F: '{print $4}'`
                if ("$mygid" != "") then
                set first=`echo $mygid|awk '{print substr($0,0,1)}'`
                        if ("$first" == "4") then
                                # let me know who
                                echo $xx"  "$mygid

Also note it will only give you folks that are in the password file - if you're using NIS, you would have to change where it's looking.