AIX troubleshooting

Hi guys,

Is there a command in AIX similar to ps, but shows memory usage by application? I'm trying to track down a rogue application that's using up all 32GB of the available systems memory and causing the the system to page to disk.

Not sure this is what you want but you could try "ps aux" and look at the RSS column. This shows memory usage by PID but if the application only has one PID then maybe this will give you the answer you are looking for. You could also sort to get the largest value at the top "ps aux | sort -nr +5 | more".

I was thinking NMON, but I can't say off the top of my head if it'll give you exactly what you need. Have a look :slight_smile:

Thanks for the responses.

The ps aux command should come in very helpful the next time the box starts paging.

The NMON I don't have installed on the box.

Another useful tool for that is:

svmon -P
svmon -P| grep -p Pid

As a note, both in ps and in svmon you have to be careful with numbers since you can't just sum them up. Some parts are only onc ein memory but used by several processes. They will be listed with complete mem usage for each process though.