AIX TL updates not including all packages needed

In trying to resolve my issue, I downloaded TL 11 and trying to update to it. Why the heck does not the TL fix have the required files in it? Thats another 1.+ GB download. I am also sure that when I go to install that package it will complain about rsct not being updated.

MISSING REQUISITES: The following filesets are required by one or more
of the selected filesets listed above. They are not currently installed
and could not be found on the installation media.

devices.vdevice.IBM.v-scsi-host.rte \# Base Level Fileset

This error implies that the fileset devices.vdevice.IBM.v-scsi-host.rte isn't installed at all. Probably the update is in the ML, but the base fileset hasn't been installed previously.

To confirm:

lslpp -Lc | grep devices.vdevice.IBM.v-scsi-host.rte

If this returns nothing then install that fileset from your base source and then do the ML update. That should fix the problem.