AIX server running very slow


All the commands on AIX are running very slow.

Below is few stats but I didn't find any issue in cpu or memory reosurces


System configuration: lcpu=4 mem=6144MB ent=1.00

kthr    memory              page              faults              cpu
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------------------
 r  b   avm   fre  re  pi  po  fr   sr  cy  in   sy  cs us sy id wa    pc    ec
 7  1 1414375 14796   0   0   0   0    0   0  17 2747 8531  1  1 98  0  0.01   1.4
Topas Monitor for host:amdc-mgts23lp-ux03       EVENTS/QUEUES    FILE/TTY
Wed Apr 30 13:25:52 2014   Interval:2           Cswitch  136.1K  Readch   568.6K
                                                Syscall    4678  Writech   38236
CPU     User% Kern% Wait% Idle%   Physc  Entc%  Reads      2775  Rawin         0
Total    41.7  37.9  10.0  10.4    1.78 177.63  Writes       86  Ttyout      502
                                                Forks         3  Igets         0
Network    BPS  I-Pkts  O-Pkts    B-In   B-Out  Execs         3  Namei       262
Total    16.3K   108.5   111.5   8.12K   8.20K  Runqueue   4.00  Dirblk        0
                                                Waitqueue   1.5
Disk    Busy%      BPS     TPS  B-Read  B-Writ                   MEMORY
Total     0.0    14.0K    3.50       0   14.0K  PAGING           Real,MB    6144
                                                Faults    50303  % Comp     92
FileSystem          BPS    TPS  B-Read  B-Writ  Steals        0  % Noncomp   7
Total              646K  2.72K    611K   34.7K  PgspIn        0  % Client    7
                                                PgspOut       0
Name           PID  CPU%  PgSp Owner            PageIn    49149  PAGING SPACE
mmkproc     6619222 28.1  448K root             PageOut       0  Size,MB   10112
db2sysc    10682452 28.1 14.1M conxinst         Sios      49156  % Used      0
getty       5243128  0.0  588K root                              % Free    100
db2fmp     10485842  0.0 8.32M conxinst         NFS (calls/sec)
random      4391098  0.0  448K root             SerV2         0  WPAR Activ    0
topas      14155864  0.0 3.28M db2inst1         CliV2         0  WPAR Total    0
sshd       18743354  0.0  808K db2inst1         SerV3         0  Press: "h"-help
mmkproc     6226032  0.0  448K root             CliV3         0         "q"-quit
mmkproc     7733262  0.0  448K root
db2sysc    15269894  0.0  945M db2inst1
db2sysc    13631594  0.0 2.27M root
vtiol        720918  0.0  512K root
syncd       2425054  0.0  596K root
db2fmcd     7798816  0.0 1.37M root
java        4718790  0.0 66.8M root
IBM.GblR    9633842  0.0 3.68M root
dsmc       17760268  0.0 22.2M root
mmfsd64     7864416  0.0  105M root
adclient    4456638  0.0 5.63M root
ksh         7143484  0.0  528K root

Best regards,

All the commands? Can you clarify a little? Slow in what way? Do you want me to debug your issue from the output of two commands without knowing what workload you are running?

Is it oracle queries are slow, opening files, counting to a million or a script that has a 10 minute wait in it?

You have a few possibilities that spring to mind straight away:-
CPU is idle according to the vmstat output, but this is the average since last boot. If you have not had a boot for a while, this figure is less useful. Try vmstat 3 3 and have a look at the output for that. It will give you 3 lines, cumulative average since boot, then the difference after 3 seconds and then the difference a further 3 seconds from the second line. Read the manual page for vmstat and explore the other options to see if that gives you anything.

Still with the vmstat, that shows you are not paging, which is a double edged sword. You performance is not hindered, but you have unused real memory.

The nmon output conflicts with this though. Here, you can see two processes using ~30% CPU each and you are waiting for IO too and paging.

What do these suggest to you?


The guy has been banned - he will not be able to answer anymore.

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