AIX Scan Rate threshold

Hi Guys,

The management is being frisky about scan rate in the range of a few thousands ( 4 digit scan rates occasionally). After much research ive concluded that its ok to have high scan rates , unless it leads to swapping/ it falls above 1:4 ratio with free rate (fr:sr)

My question is:

What Scan rate threshold should i ask the tivoli monitoring team to configure? (5 digit maybe?? .. like 10,000) Should scan rate be monitored at all?? how is it in your environment?

Thanks much.


it doesnt matter if you have 1 or 10 digits scanning as long as your scan to free ratio is decent - IBM says anything above 4:1 is reason for concern. So if you want to monitor anything than monitor the scan to free ratio rather than the absolute number.


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Thanks zhmaus,

IBM does not recommend scan rate to be monitored on its own according to GSMA Monitoring standards anyway.