AIX newbie, i need help

how do I make the cdrom bootable, i.e. im tyring to reinstall aix from cd-rom, and i want the system to boot to the cd-rom? I think i need to change the bootlist, but not sure how to...


Hello Man

You have to go to your computer's BIOS Setup by pressing "DEL" key when booting. Depending on the specific make and version of your bios, select your boot priority configuration menu. And then change your first boot device from hard disk to cd rom. Quit setup by saving changes, place the relevant AIX boot CD in your cd rom drive and boot your computer again.

This will solve your problem if you are using an Intel machine.

Hope this will work!


hey man,
That is a another idea. I figured another way, there is a command called bootlist. I did a

man bootlist

and I figured it out

bootlist -m normal cd0

Your idea probably would work on intel, my machine is an rs600

thanks again!

To add to the last reply...

bootlist -m normal cd0 hdisk0

(to set bootlist to boot from CD/DVD, or from hard disk if no CD found)

Maybe a bit off topic.
But I always thought that AIX could not be installed on a Intel machine?


Is there any AIX version for Intel PCs?:confused:

I've never heard of AIX on Intel, I don't think there is. As far as I know its available only on IBM pSeries (AKA RS/6000) machines.

No, there is no AIX for Intel.
You can get Solaris for x86, but I have never heard of AIX running on Intel platforms.

You are correct. AIX only exists for rs/6000 platform. It is also worth noting that IBM does not grant a "right-to-use" license for AIX. It is a purchased product and costs (I believe) $900. The license is non-transferable and ceases to exist if a system with AIX is sold.

Cheers and happy holidays,
