AIX machine start-up problem

We have a AIX machine which was having problems while checking for additional ports. When restarted, it is showing the message "STDIN, STDOUT initializing.... Starting AIX...." on the console and then abruptly goes down.

An error-code 0549 is appearing on the CPU display.

I'm new to to AIX and know nothing. Please help me. Thanks.

549 wants to write a dump. Check out code 549 on page 71 in this Redbook:

When you have the dump you can hand it over to your support for analysis. Though I would check if you hopefully have a mksysb ready in case you don't get that box up again without a restore.

The actual message is:
549 - Console could not be configured for the "Copy a System Dump" Menu.
So the system has dumped but you actually have a console configuration problem preventing the system from continuing.
What console do you have, serial, HMC, lft, Etc.?
Can you try others?
You may need to do a maintenance boot and sort out your console configuration before you can continue.