AIX base OS install


I'm trying to install AIX 7.1 on a machine. Unfortunately I forgot to load volume 2 DVD, but the server works fine. Was wondering, what all the contents will be in volume 2?

And I tried loading it after the complete reboot but the blade is not recognizing the volume2 DVD.

Please let me know how to install the volume 2 DVD.

I cannot ssh or telnet to that machine.

Please guide me further(should I have to install volume 2 or is it something else that is stopping the telnet or ssh?). :confused::confused:

Thank you.

Re ssh and telnet - from the local console check lssrc -a and make sure nothing is inactive that should be running. Also check to see if you can ssh and telnet out.

You didnt say if you were upgrading or if the machine was new with no previous version of the os.

It is a new install not the upgrade. And I cannot ssh or telnet out. Is this something do to with volume 2 disk?

You only need vol 2 if you need asian additional language support. I have not even looked at DVD2 in years. Might change in a few months if I go "east" to teach a class.

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Kool, Thank you.

As it's a new install, SSH isn't going to be set up yet. You'll need to log on at the local console and set it up so you can connect to the machine remotely. And check the SSH process - it might not even be running.

For telnet, log on to the local console and try to telnet out. make sure telnet is running and can connect going out.

Make sure you are telneting to the IP not the name of the machine in case there's a DNS issue some where.

Can you ping the machine from remote?
Can you traceroute to the machine from remote?

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Correct - in a default install openssh is not installed by default. As you are new to AIX - on the console
To set hostname, IP address, default route, nameserver use:

# smitty mktcpip

If you are going to setup additional IP interfaces use:

# smitty inet

To install ssh on AIX, have DVD1 in the DVD and enter

# smitty easy_install

Choose the cd/dvd as source and choose the openssh_server bundle

If you want to disable telnet, or disable/enable other inetd services use

# smitty otherserv

Hope this helps!