AIX 6, operation on time in script


I have a question,

On linux (centos) I am executing a script:


st1=`date "+%T"`
SD=`date -u -d $st1 +"%s"`

#some operations ...

st2=`date "+%T"`
FD=`date -u -d $st2 +"%s"`

time_oper=`date -u -d "0 $FD sec - $SD sec" +"%H:%M:%S"`
echo "Time script execution - " $time_oper >> log.log

in log.log file I have a time script execution.

But now I want to execute this script on AIX 6 and I can't becouse I have this error:

date: 0551-402 Invalid character in date/time specification.

any idea ??


install gnu date, if you need the same syntax, or read man date :wink: