Age of file in storage / disk

Hello all,

Below is scripts to find the file following by:

30 days <- How many total file space within 30 days and not quantity
90 days
120 days
1 year

From here also I can get data space to put on PIE Chart. Following this scripts can I do some enhance from this scripts like do single command then can get total data follow 30 days, 90 days, 120 days and 1 year.

What I'm trying to to is:

  1. Get file like "ls -lR | egrep ^-" > test.txt
  2. From test.txt get all category 30day, 60day, 90day and 1 year.
  3. Value of date convert to percentage.
  4. Save as *.csv

Sample for .CSV:

30 days, 20
60 days,30
90 days,40
365 days,80 

Scripts A - Get data by day

find /mnt/emage -type f -mtime -30 ! -mtime -0 -exec ls -la {} \; > 30days.txt
cat 30days.txt | awk '{ SUM += $5} END { print "30days " SUM }' >> agging.txt

find /mnt/emage -type f -mtime -90 ! -mtime -60 -exec ls -la {} \; > 90days.txt
cat 90days.txt | awk '{ SUM += $5} END { print "90days " SUM }' >> agging.txt

find /mnt/emage -type f -mtime -180 ! -mtime -150 -exec ls -la {} \; > 120days.txt
cat 120days.txt | awk '{ SUM += $5} END { print "120days " SUM }' >> agging.txt

find /mnt/emage -type f -mtime -365 ! -mtime -335 -exec ls -la {} \; > 365days.txt

cat 365days.txt | awk '{ SUM += $5} END { print "365days " SUM }' >> agging.txt
cat agging.txt | awk '{ $2=$2/1073741824 ; print $1 "," $2 }' > agging.csv

mv agging.csv age.csv
rm agging.txt

Scripts B - Profiler

ls -lR | egrep ^- > test.txt

for count in 1 2 3;
  echo ${LABEL[$count]},`eval egrep ${Type[$count]} test.txt |awk '{ SUM += $5} END { SUM=SUM/1073741824 ; print SUM" GB"}'`
# Available space
df -P /mnt/emage | awk 'NR==2{print "Available,"$4/1048576" GB"}'

It is posible scripts A follow as scripts B?

This is a start:

   perl -e ' 
    $now = time;
   ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks)= stat($ARGV[0]);
    $elapsed = ($now - $mtime)/ 86400;
    print int($elapsed), " ", $size, "\n";
    ' $1
ls $HOME |
while read fname 
  filedata $fname
done  | sort -n

you can modify the ls $HOME line to use find:

find /disk_mountpoint  -type f | 

or maybe a different ls command - I cannot tell exactly what you really want.
disk mountpoints are usually in /etc/mnttab, depending on your OS.