After installing linux cannot boot PC anymore?

After installing linux (slackware) my (experimental) computer can't boot anymore.

When I start the pc it says: "There was an error during linux startup" (or something like that, it was written in my language and I'm a bad translator)

And after that my computer doesn't do a thing anymore. I have looked on the 2 slackware discs and there is a document about this problem, however it only describes 2 ways, unplugging unnecisary(sorry for my bad English) hardware which didn't work, and it said about kickstarting linux from bootdisk. Also didn't work.

Does someone have a solution to this?

Thanks in advance.

try reinstalling from cd. something probably got messed up during the installation of the linux boot loader.

ok, got that done.

Now I have 2 more questions.

How can I add windows xp to the LILO boot loeader?

And If I start slackware for the first time (or it says linux from the LILO bootloader) All I get is a msdos screen, after I login it says I have 2 mail. But after that, how am I supposed to start Slackware?

To get a dual boot (windows and linux) you need to edit the /etc/lilo.conf file.

Try adding the following lines into the lilo.conf file.


Where /dev/hda1 is replace with the Windows partition.

With your second question. When wanting to start linux do you want it to start in a graphical mode or text mode?



In response to your second question, I assume that you would like to launch a graphical desktop environment, rather than using Slackware in text mode at the console.

Providing you've installed X and it's configured, just type
startx at the command prompt, and the default graphical environment should be launched (KDE 3.1 on my Slack 9.1. box). You may need to edit your $HOME/.xinitrc file to launch the window manager of your choice.

Other than that, more info is required, please elaborate!
