Admintool and rpc call

Hi all,

I'm trying to launch admintool via an export DISPLAY.
i get the message: Received communication service error 4: Remote procedure call timed out: program = 100087, version = 10
Just to say, i don't use nis/nisplus on my server...

What to do?



where are you trying to display the admintool gui to? a unix workstation running a variant of a Xserver or a PC through telnet?

To a linux workstation.
The fact is i have already been able to use admintool. The server was physically moved to another place, that's the only difference, between the previous working situation, and the new non working one.
I still have access, but can not get that admintool to come out.
I've tried to export a xterm, it worked ok..
But not admintool..

so? what do you think?

how are you calling xterm? how are you calling admintool?

after the export DISPLAY and the xhost + on my linux, simply either xterm or admintool, that's all

try starting admintool on the xterm window from the same box and see if you get any errors ...

well, i tried that too! and i still get:"Received communication service error 4: Remote procedure call timed out: program = 100087, version = 10"

Well, got another one?


what solaris version are you running? i've got solaris 9 and it keeps warning me that admintool will not be supported anymore in later releases everytime i open admintool up ...

The only information I've been able to find given your RPC error points to NIS problems. Is NIS actually in use (cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep -i nis)?



Keith, I just saw this in the original post:

Thanks. Always pays to read in full rather than skim.

I'd be interested to see the truss output of the startup. Given the probable length, send it via email (truss admintool).



Just a thought, could it be a DNS misconfigurations?

I know I've seen some behaviour a little bit like this when someone incorrectly installed a machine.

Check that /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/resolv.conf are correct.

Here is attached the .txt output of a truss admintool...

Please heeeeelp!!! :wink:

Thanx all


My nsswitch.conf and resolv.conf are correct to me..

here is the file, i kind a forget it

I can't view your attachment right now but I'll take a look when I can.

As a workaround:

If you have ssh on the target machine you could forward X back to your linux box.
I am begining to suspect that the problem is at your linux box.

just curious ...

you said you already ran admintool on the server before ... was it at the console or displayed on your linux box?

and when the server moved --- were there any configuration/software changes to your linux box that were done at the same time?

... was that the full truss output?

Reborg, i don't think the problem is coming from my linux box, on the same machine, i can export a xterm console.
On this solaris box, i don't use ssh, the thing is to old!

The only change there has been between now and before, was a de-activation of one of the ether adresses (le0), i'm still using le1.

Otherwise, i exported the display to my linux! i can't even get the console mode of admintool to launch.

As for, the output it was the full output..


Well, here's my follow up for my problem:

i deleted the line in /etc/hosts refering the old network adress de-activated, and that did it!!
Well, it was so simple i didn't think about it!

Thanx for all your help...
