adding licenses

Hi ppl,

Need help setting licenses!
When I add licenses with lit_tty, it says:

Duplicate of Feature FTAM Version 9.000 found in file /etc/opt/licenses/licenses_combined.
Duplicate of Feature FTAM Version 9.000 found in file /opt/SUNWconn/license_dir/osiftm9.0.lic,1.
Rereading License File
lmreread - Copyright (C) 1989-1999 Globetrotter Software, Inc.
lmreread successful

Some duplicate licenses were detected during installation

The following licenses were successfully installed

The following duplicate licenses were detected and not fully re-installed
These licenses may still be usable:

Solstice FTAM 9.0 for SPARC 01-jan-0 1 0BCAxxxxxxxxxxxx

There is already a product licensed by an older version of lit. And the ftam cds says to install the license mgr on it, that'what i'v done but nope!
