Adding info to end of line if two columns match from files with different separators

I have two files (csv and vcf) which look exactly like this




chr1      4567     rs323211     1/1:84,104,99
chr4      2309     rs346742     1/1:27,213,90
chr6      5834     rs234492     0/1:22,765,22
chr8      6912     rs239299     1/1:56,765,13

I want to add the fourth line in the second file to the end of the line in the first file if the number in column 2 (file2) matches the number in column 3 (file1)

Also the first file is seperate using , and " (except for first line) while the second is tab seperated

The final file should look like:


I have to do this for 200 files, each pair has the same name with either .csv or .vcf

Try this:

awk 'NR==FNR{a[$2]=$4; next}a[$6]{$NF="," FS a[$6] FS}1' S1.vcf OFS=\" FS=\" S1.csv

That works for the exact files I gave you, but not for my actual files.

The main difference is that my actual files are bigger and the columns for the first file are in a different place - the number to be searched is in column 34

also the column I want copied over is actually in column 10, I assume I change to $4 to $10 to get this right.

What's the $6 for?


For the file S1.csv I've use the double quote as field separator. The "3th" field with a comma separator is the 6th field with the double quote as field separator.

ok so as it turns out, due to the csv coming from excel, my seperators look more like this:


I got the code to work some of the time using a comma instead of quotation mark, for example if I change $6 to $34 I get three correctly adding info, if I add $36 I get a differnt five correctly adding info

can you say multiple columns could have the number in?

Thanks in advance

Try this. It's based on the file samples of your first post. For the second file the field separator is setted to a comma:

awk 'NR==FNR{a[$2]=$4; next}{s=$0;gsub("\"",x)}a[$3]{$0=s ",\"" a[$3] "\""}1' S1.vcf FS=, S1.csv