Adding double quotes at the end of string

My input is this:
Inputfile = file.txt

needs to change to,
Inputfile = file.txt"

I have tried using:
Inputfile = `echo ${Inputfile}"'

doesn't work for me.

Similarly how do I change it to all double quotes:
Inputfile = "file.txt"

Hello and welcome to the forum.

You need to escape the special char 'doublequotes' with a leading backslash.
Eg: \"
Wich would then become:

inputfile = file.txt\"
# OR
inputfile = "file.txt\""

However, i would assume that you have some quotation errors somewhere else in your script.

For the future, please use the


tags to make your examples easier to read.

Hope this helps

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@bvnprasad123 and sea :

if you are defining variable then please take care about space

you might receive this error

$ Inputfile = file.txt
Inputfile: command not found

where as this is valid

$ Inputfile=file.txt
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My bad for not using code.Thanks for the help

Try like this

akshay@Aix:~$ x="file.txt"
akshay@Aix:~$ echo $x

akshay@Aix:~$ y="\"$x"\"
akshay@Aix:~$ echo $y

akshay@Aix:~$ z="$x"\"
akshay@Aix:~$ echo $z

---------- Post updated at 01:26 AM ---------- Previous update was at 01:20 AM ----------

I just seen you modified post #4