Adding an escape character

I have a pipe delimited (|) data in a file and all the fields are enclosed with " ". If " is present in the data, then I have to replace with \".

Input: "abc"|"test " user""|"A"B" user"
Output: "abc"|"test \" user\""|"A\"B\" user"

I tried with below command, but it is not giving me the expected result.

sed  's/\([^|"]\)\"\([^"|]\)/\1\\"\2/g;'

welcome to the community.
Get used to wrapping your code/data samples with markdown code tags.
I did it for you for now, but please do so going forward.

Otherwise it's hard to see see what you're after - particularly in THIS case.


the embedded double-quotes should be perfectly normal for the CSV (in your case PSV - PipeSeparatedValues) files.
But if you insist, here's one way with gawk:
gawk -F'|' -f sunee.awk OFS='|' where sunee.awk is:

function deq(str,  a) {
    if(!match(str, /^(\s*)\x22(.*)\x22(\s*)$/, a))
      return str
    else {
      gsub(/\x22/, "\\\\&", a[2])
      return a[1] "\x22" a[2] "\x22" a[3]
   for(i=1; i<=NF;i++)


$ echo '"abc"|"test " user""|"A"B" user"'| gawk -F'|' -f sunee.awk OFS='|'
"abc"|"test \" user\""|"A\"B\" user"


echo '"abc"|    "test " user""|"A"B" user"  '| gawk -F'|' -f sunee.awk OFS='|'
"abc"|    "test \" user\""|"A\"B\" user"

You didn't mention your OS => the above is Linux/gawk specific, but can be modified to be awk-version-agnostic.

Both neighbors of a matching " must be anything but a |
sed -E 's/([^|])"([^|])/\1\\"\2/g'
But this does not see/match a near second " because a /g iteration continues after the previous coverage.
Perl knows a not covering lookbehind/lookahead, so lets switch to Perl!

perl -lpe 's/(?<=[^|])"(?=[^|])/\\"/g'

BTW RFC-4180 wants to double the embedded quotes:

perl -lpe 's/(?<=[^|])"(?=[^|])/""/g'