Adding a filesystem.

Hi All!
I need to create a new filesystem /u01 , using the existing space and giving 100GB space to /u01.

I can allocate 100Gb from / which is currently 145GB.

Following is the screen shot of my df command.

[root@localhost ~]# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     153624628    449668 145371264   1% /
/dev/sda3             10278336     64824   9691400   1% /boot
none                   4673216         0   4673216   0% /dev/shm
                      20384396     77920  19271008   1% /tmp
                      50766508   2748568  45439100   6% /usr
                      20609660    261064  19301660   2% /var
                      19739316    191408  18545208   2% /home

I googled , but am a little confused on the steps I need to follow.
Can some one please send a link or the steps that I need to follow.

Thanks for all the help!


As I know to reallocate disk space on your root filesystem using LFM lvextend/lvreduce you will need to boot from emergency CD because filesystem needs to be unmounted first for this operation. As this is root filesystem, it cannot be unmounted.

Thanks a lot! I would be re-installing linux to achieve this.


I heard something about ext2live patch for ext2, that allows unmounting to be done on them. Not sure about ext3.

ext3 is just ext2 with journal support. All one needs to do is remove the journal, resize, re-add the journal.