Add new column from another file


I have 2 files.

file1 contains by lines: hash:salt:id
file2 contains by lines: username:hash:salt

I would like to add a new coloumn (id) form file1 to file2.

The new file should contains: username:hash:salt:id
Note: file1 contains less rows than file2.
I tried

paste -d':' file1 file2

, but this solution not good for me.

Thank you

What operating system and shell are you using?

Unless both file1 and file2 are sorted by hash and salt and there is a one-to-one correspondence between lines in those two files, there is no chance that the command:

paste -d':' file1 file2

should be expected to work (and even in that case, those two fields would appear in the output twice).

You could consider using the join utility, but you would need to preprocess both input files so the key field used for joining is a single field (not two fields). If that won't work, awk would be the obvious choice. But, before we can suggest any real solution to your problem, you need to clearly define what should happen if:

  1. there is no match in file1 for a pair of key fields found in file2 , or
  2. there a more than one id field value in file1 for a single pair of key fields.

Please show us a representative pair of sample input files and the output that you want to produce from those sample inputs (each in CODE tags). (Please be sure that any cases that require special handling are included in your sample inputs.)

I use Debian GNU Linux, and bash shell.

I tried this command

join  <(sort -t":" -k 1 file1.txt) <(sort -t":" -k 2 file2.txt) > file3.txt

For your question:
1.) there should be match. (if not, file3.txt should be empty)
2.) there will not be more than 1 id

file1.txt example:


file2.txt example:


I need this format (so where the hash:salt match, should append username and id coloumns):


With the sample input files you provided, why is there only one line of output? Why shouldn't the output from those two input files be:



Note that the join command:

join  -1 1 -2 2 -t: -o2.1,2.2,2.3,1.3  <(sort -t":" -k 1,2 file1.txt) <(sort -t":" -k 2,3 file2.txt) > file3.txt

produces the output above from your sample input, but you ignored my note about preprocessing both input files to produce a single key field. The above command only compares the hash fields in the two files and completely ignores the salt fields when looking for matches in the two input files.

If the above output is acceptable but you need to match both the hash and salt fields, you might try using awk :

awk -F: '
NR == FNR {
	id[$1, $2] = $3
($2, $3) in id {
	print $0, id[$2, $3]
}' OFS=: file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt

which also produces the output shown above from your sample input files.

If someone else wants to try this on a Solaris/SunOS system, change awk to /usr/xpg4/bin/awk or nawk .

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With the sample input files you provided, why is there only one line of output?

Sorry, I forget to post other matching output lines.

Thanks. I tried, here is the bash error message:

awk -F: 'NR == FNR {id[$1, $2] = $3 next}($2, $3) in id {print $0, id[$2, $3]}' OFS=: file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt

awk: line 1: syntax error at or near next

join  -1 1 -2 2 -t: -o2.1,2.2,2.3,1.3  <(sort -t":" -k 1,2 file1.txt) <(sort -t":" -k 2,3 file2.txt) > file3.txt

In this command the outfile (file3.txt) is empty.

Try using the script I gave you instead of randomly joining lines and introducing syntax errors!

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Okay. Thanks for your help. I try with no success:mad:. I have to read man pages of join and awk again...

Edit: I tried with file1.txt, file2.txt. It works, but with the original big found_2711.txt left_txt40k. files not.

found_2711.txt is ASCII
left_txt40k.txt is data

How about posting the (curtailed) original files so people get the chance to analyse what might be going wrong? Not everybody's crystal ball can open and read your files remotely...

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Can you show us (each block wrapped in CODE tags):-

  • The (some representative example) of the input
  • The actual code you are running
  • The output & errors you are getting

Hopefully then we can spot the issue and guide you to a correction.

If you want to compress code into a single line, you will have to ensure it is still valid. New lines are important. Consider the two scripts below:-

printf "Hello "
printf "world\n"
printf "Hello " printf "world\n"

Would you expect to get the same output?

Kind regards,

Thank you for your help. Working.
Every solution you said works (awk and join).

Tried. Not the same output. Thanks for the support.

I have a little problem with the above join command:

If a hash contain semicolon ":", than the output will be wrong.

file1.txt format: hash:salt:ID
note: the hash contains ':'

than the output file3.txt (mail:ID)will be wrong:

It should be:
file2.txt format: hash:salt:ID;i5


It is clear that join won't work for you with the data you are feeding it.

If you choose a field separator that also appears as data in a field, how is join supposed to guess at which field separator characters are field separators and which ones aren't?

Your sample input doesn't include any field separators in any of the sample hash fields. Your problem statement doesn't say anything about having to ignore some field separators nor does it describe any mechanism that could be used to determine the lengths of the various fields in your input lines.

It is not clear whether or not you will provide a clear enough description of your data for anyone to use any other tools to process your data. We clearly can't do so with the specifications you have provided us so far.