Add depending on the column

Hi all,

If column 6 is negative then I want column 3 is be subtracted by 150. If column 6 is positive then I want 150 added to the value at column 2.

The file that looks like this:

Bull	38	158	HWI-ST600:206:D0L90ACXX:8:2214:15503:17988	0	-
Bull	38	138	HWI-ST600:206:D0L90ACXX:8:2214:7264:48630	0	+

so depending on whether it is positive or negative at column 6, the output would look like this:

Bull	8	158	HWI-ST600:206:D0L90ACXX:8:2214:15503:17988	0	-
Bull	38	188	HWI-ST600:206:D0L90ACXX:8:2214:7264:48630	0	+


awk '$6=="-"{$3=$3-150} $6=="+" {$2=$2+150}'1 inputfile


# awk '$6=="-"{$3-=150} $6=="+"{$2+=150}1' OFS='\t' infile