Add columns in csv file

Hi everybody,
I am new here and I need a reel help please
A have a csv file and I want to add new in the end of the file

Devisce Model,VMGuest Name,Host OS Name, Memory Size

And I want to add to new column in "Period" and "Region" the end of the file
The "Period" columns will contain the date of today and the "Region" will give the path of the csv file

Devisce Model,VMGuest Name,Host OS Name, Memory Size,Period,Region

20110325 is the 25th March 2011.

Thank you in advance!

Based on your exact specification:

 sed 's/Memory Size/&,Period,Region/;/Memory/!s#$#,20110325,/home/Desktop/#' inp_file

Thank you for you reply,
In fact the date and the path change every time il depends of the path where the file is (if the file is in /home/Desktop/Folder1) and il depends also on date (if the 06 may 2011 I will add the columns it will be 20110506)
Thank you very much !

See if this works for you:

mDate=`date +"%Y%m%d"`
sed "s/Memory Size/&,Period,Region/;/Memory/!s#\$#,${mDate},${mDir}#" inp_file