Add additional numbers to file

I need to change the following field from:

"7/3/2009 7:07:12 PM","12345676","ok","8674"
"6/3/2009 8:07:12 PM","12345676","ok","8674"
"5/1/2009 7:07:12 PM","12345676","ok","8674"
"4/9/2009 3:07:12 AM","12345676","ok","8674"
"3/8/2009 3:07:12 PM","12345676","ok","8674"
"2/7/2009 4:07:12 PM","12345676","ok","8674"
"1/6/2009 5:07:12 PM","12345676","ok","8674"
"8/5/2009 6:07:12 PM","12345676","ok","8674"
"9/4/2009 9:07:12 PM","12345676","ok","8674"
"10/2/2009 10:07:12 PM","12345676","ok","8674"


"07/03/2009 19:07:12","12345676","ok","8674"
"06/03/2009 20:07:12","12345676","ok","8674"
"05/01/2009 19:07:12","12345676","ok","8674"
"04/09/2009 3:07:12","12345676","ok","8674"
"03/08/2009 15:07:12","12345676","ok","8674"
"02/07/2009 16:07:12","12345676","ok","8674"
"01/06/2009 17:07:12","12345676","ok","8674"
"08/05/2009 18:07:12","12345676","ok","8674"
"09/04/2009 21:07:12","12345676","ok","8674"
"10/02/2009 22:07:12 ","12345676","ok","8674"

I was trying sed which does not work, but I have about 1000 records, others with this type of format so it would probably need to be done in a loop?

I cannot get to add the 0 at the front of the date and cannot convert the 24hour process

I am using Korn Shell (solaris)

This Perl code will solve your requirement ,

use strict;
use warnings;

#my $a ="\"7/3/2009 7:07:12 PM\",\"12345676\",\"ok\",\"8674\"";
open FH , "log.txt" ;  # Log file name 
my $a ;
while($a= <FH>)
        $a =~ /\s([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})\s+(AM|PM)/;
        my $format = $4 ;
                if ( $format eq "PM" )
                        my $hr=12+$1;
                        if ( $hr ==24 )
                            $hr ="00";
my $fin= " $hr:$2:$3" ;
        $a =~ s/\s([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})\s+(AM|PM)/$fin/;
                else {
                        $a=~ s/AM//;
        print $a ;

apologies I don't use perl, so i don't understand the code

You try the following code.

sed 's/,/ /g;s/"//g;' file > tmp
while read line
date=`echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f 1`

day=`echo $date | cut -d '/' -f 1`

mon=`echo $date | cut -d '/' -f 2`

year=`echo $date | cut -d '/' -f 3 `

time=`echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f 2`

format=`echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f 3`

data=`echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f 4- --output-delimiter='","'`

hour=`echo $time | cut -d ':' -f 1 `

Minsec=`echo $time | cut -d ':' -f 2-`

if [[ $format == 'PM' ]]
let hour+=12
hour=`printf "%02d" $hour`
mon=`printf "%02d" $mon`
day=`printf "%02d" $day`
echo \"$day/$mon/$year $hour:$Minsec\",\"$data\"
done < tmp
rm -rf tmp

Try this: easy to understand. "file" is your input file.


while read line
newstr=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/"//g'`
day=`echo $newstr | cut -d "/" -f2`
month=`echo $newstr | cut -d "/" -f1`
year=`echo $newstr | cut -d "/" -f3`

timestr=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
time_ind=`echo $line | awk '{print $3}' | cut -c 1-2`
hour=`echo $timestr | cut -d ":" -f1 `
min=`echo $timestr | cut -d ":" -f2 `
sec=`echo $timestr | cut -d ":" -f3 `

if [ "${time_ind}" == "PM" ]; then
   new_hour=$(( $hour + 12 ))

if [ $day -lt 10 ];then
  new_day=`echo "0$day"`

if [ $month -lt 10 ]; then
  new_month=`echo "0$month"`

part_str=`echo $line | awk '{print substr($0,index($0,"M\"")+ 2)}'`
echo "\"$new_month/$new_day/$year $new_hour:$min:$sec\"$part_str"

done < file

Devaraj Takhellambam

hi thanks for all the replies

Thanks to Devaraj, your code worked great

You can easily do this with the help of sed and date commands.

Try the following,

while read line
line=`sed -r "s/^\"([0-9]{1}\/)(.+)/\"0\1\2\n/g" <<<$line`
time=`sed -r "s/^\".+\s([^\"]+\s[^\"]+)\".+/\1/g" <<<$line`
hour=`date -d "$time" | cut -d ' ' -f 5`
result=`sed -r "s/^(\".+\s)([^\"]+\s[^\"]+)(\".+)/\1$hour\3/g" <<<$line`
echo $result
done <"inputfile"

with Awk...

awk -F" |," 'BEGIN{OFS=",";t="\""}{gsub("\"","",$0)
print t (length(a[1])==1?"0"a[1]:a[1])"/"(length(a[2])==1?"0"a[2]:a[2])"/"a[3]" "b[1]+12":"b[2]":"b[3] t OFS t $4 t OFS t $5 t}
else{print t (length(a[1])==1?"0"a[1]:a[1])"/"(length(a[2])==1?"0"a[2]:a[2])"/"a[3]" "$2 t OFS t $4 t OFS t $5 t}}' infile
awk -F[\"/\ :] '{if ($8~/PM/) $5=$5+12}; 
                     {printf "\"%02d\/%02d\/%d %02d:%02d:%02d\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"\n",$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$10,$12,$14}' 
cat input7.txt | sed 's@\(["/]\)\([0-9]\)/@\10\2/@
s@\( \)\([0-9]\):@\10\2:@'

This could probably be simplified with a look ahead expression for the '/' character in dates.

...just because i love my good friend awk, here's that as a one liner

cat testfile | awk '{ split($2, b, ":"); if (b[2]+12 == 24) b[2]=00; split($1, d, "\/"); split(d[1], e, "\""); printf("\"%02d\/%02d\/%d %02d:%02d:%d %s\n", e[2], d[2], d[3], b[1]+12, b[2], b[3],$3); }'

Or in easy to read form:

cat testfile | awk '{ 
split($2, b, ":"); 
if (b[2]+12 == 24) b[2]=00; 
split($1, d, "\/"); 
split(d[1], e, "\""); 
printf("\"%02d\/%02d\/%d %02d:%02d:%d %s\n", 
e[2], d[2], d[3], b[1]+12, b[2], b[3],$3); }'

Turns this:

"7/3/2009 7:07:12 PM","12345676","ok","8674"

Into this:

"07/03/2009 19:07:12 PM","12345676","ok","8674"

You could even run it against tail -f with with tee to correct it live:

tail -f testfile | tee -a newfile | awk '{ split($2, b, ":"); if (b[2]+12 == 24) b[2]=00; split($1, d, "\/"); split(d[1], e, "\""); printf("\"%02d\/%02d\/%d %02d:%02d:%d %s\n", e[2], d[2], d[3], b[1]+12, b[2], b[3],$3); }' 

I dunno, it was already solved but i feel like awk is still a cool tool