acroread command giving error


When I run the command acroread it is giving error

ERROR: Cannot find installation directory.

When I look at /usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/bin/ an exicutable file named acroread is there. When i run ./acroread from that directory it is working . What can i do so that I can give acroread command from anywhere . Can aliases help?

at a prompt type

which acroread

which on my machine returns


see if that is a symbolic link to the binary you mentioned. If it isn;t rename it (acroread.old maybe) and create a symbolic link to that binary.

ln -s /usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/bin/acroread /usr/bin/acroread

or try adding the adobe bin directory to your path.

Thanks for the quick reply.

On "  which acroread " command the following is displayed.


I checked /sbin/acroread file it was a shell script. Not an exicutable. Then I renamed that file to acroread1 and create a soft link to the exicutable I mentioned earlier in /sbin.

ln -s /usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/bin/acroread /sbin/acroread

Then I typed acroread command but the error returned was same.

Can I use aliases. Some thing like

alias acroread= .//usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/bin/acroread

I am not sure about the syntax. But will this help?

so, if you run the program from within its own directory it works fine? but run from anywhere else, it fails? That is probably why there is a shell script to start it, but why put it in /sbin/ which is normally only in root users path, not a normal user.

You could create a new shell script which switches to the acroread bin directory, then runs the binary fromn there