ACLs - How can i create new executable files

Hello experts,

I would like to know if is possible to create a default acl rule to a directory.
in this directory all files created should have executable permissions by the group IT.

i tried setfacl -m d:g:it:rwx /files

tried to change the mask

setfacl -m m::rwx /files

but i still can't get the files to be created by the group IT with execution permissions.

only if i apply the acl individual for each file.

I know this is not a good practice to have file with execution permissions by default but i want it for academic purposes.

Thank you.

Maybe I do not understand - but you seem to want default ACL settings for a directory to propagate to files (not necessarily as they are created I assume).

Setting Access ACLs

Your files I believe already have ACL's on them. Note the red text above.

I know, but i would like that new created files be created with execution permissions.

touch foo.txt

getfacl foo.txt
group:IT:rwx                #effective:rw-

getfacl /files

why i still can't get the files to be created with execution permissions?

Oh. Try this an an experiment to show you what is going on.

What is you umask? Fix it. And are you in the IT group:

#become root if you are in IT group.
   cd /tmp
   echo 'echo "test"' >/tmp/t.shl
  # -- you now have a file that needs execute to run.
  chmod 660 t.shl
  # -- be sure it does not have x
 chgrp IT t.shl
# make SURE there are no ACLs on the file.
 getfacl t.shl
 cp t.shl /files
# check ACLs on the file.
 getfacl /files/t.shl  
# does it run?

If this fails please show everything you did. It should be okay i.e., does it run? Answer:yes

You can have no ACL on the file before you place it in the /files directory. So this means you have to make sure IT group users - programmers I guess - understand. They can mess it up.