Accessing linux via telnet

I have installed linux in my virtual PC under my windows system.

I am trying to access it via windows using putty but i couldn't do so. Could you please help me gurus.

Try using SSH, it's also supported by Putty and you should have less problems. Similar concept to telnet in that it's command line based.

i Used SSH but it's not working.Is there any other way

Well SSH is one of the more common ways. There are some versions of Linux out there these days like SuSE which have the option to support VNC when you install them.

When you installed the virtual machine did you setup things like SSH? If so, can you ping the box??

Have you tried running using a command like netstat -nlp on the linux box to see if the sshd is running and is listening on port 22?

Have you tried doing a port scan from your windows machine on the system you are trying to connect?

Check any firewalls you may have installed between the two systems to make sure they are not blocking any traffic.

Make sure you have "telnet-server-XXX.rpm" is installed. Use command "rpm -q telnet-server" to verify that it is installed, otherwise install it.
Now a days default installation of telnet-server disables the in.telnetd. So you need to edit file /etc/xinetd.d/telnet and change line of "disable = yes" to "disable = no". After enabling inet-telnet port you need to restart inet-daemon by "service xinetd restart"

Also gfor ssh just check that you have openssh-server is installed. After installation you need to give command "chkconfig sshd on" to enable it at boot time. Also to start it without rebooting just give command "service sshd start"