Accessing global-zone installed application


Is it possible to access application installed on global-zone from a non-global zone?

Is there any configuration to achieve the above requirement?

Tried looking up information but unable to find.

Thanks in advance.

You might want to present a lofs version of the file system that has the app to the ng zone. This means you have to add the filesystem via zonecfg.

If there is licensure for the app involved, forget it.

A more straighforward approach is to install the app where it is needed.


If it's installed on /opt (of global-zone), and we will be on whole root, can it still work sharing out as lofs?

Do we present out as /Opt/App1 or /opt?

It shouldn't matter. You can always mount it from the global to the ng zone with the following command:

mount -F lofs /opt /zones/zone123/root/opt/share 

Then if all is well add it to your zonecfg for zone123:

zonecfg -z zone123
add fs
set dir=/opt/share
set special=/opt
set type=lofs