Accessing FTP on Linux

I've setup an FTP server on my linux box (RH 9.0). I've configured so the vsftpd daemon is running in runlevel 5, etc.
However, I have difficulty logging-on, as it will not authenticate any valid user (inlcuding anoymous). Everything seems ok in the /etc/vsftpd/vsftp.d.conf and /etc/vsftpd.ftpusers files (ie no system users blocked, etc), and port 20 that the ftp service is using is active on the firewall.

I've also tried chown and chgrp to the daemon group on the /var/ftp/pub directory, but to no avail.

So I'm wondering is there something I'm missing ref: user autheniticaion?


I'm curious to know which type of error you're getting when the login fails. Also, is there any logging that vsftp is doing when these attempts fail? Another thing I'm curious to know is if you're having any luck connecting directly from the console of the vsftp server, so ftp ....does it give you anything?

Check your config against my post in this thread:

Thanks for the info. There's no error upon logging-on, it simply gives the message of Login incorrect, through both DOS and a browser on another machine. It does howerver, let me get in on the actual console using either the leased ip address or the loopback addr ( on the linux box where its being hsoted from. I also created the /etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd script with the settings mentioned, and all ready had the vsftpd*.rpm installed (vsftpd-1.1.3-8.i386.rpm). There's no record of the FTP attempts in the syslog (messages) from another PC, it does however acknowldge the login from the server itself with the following message: "warning: can't get client address: Bad file descriptor". I also restarted both the xinetd and vsftpd daemons after the changes, but to no avail.

It's probably something simple though....

Resloved it. There appears to be a second firewall blocking user access, so the configuration on the server config. itself was fine.