Access rancher installed in Virtualbox VM (Natted and port forwarded)?

  • I create a virtualbox VM.
  • I add port forwarding rules to it, so that I can SSH it. The forwarded port is 8888.
  • Now I want to access the rancher that I've installed from my browser. But I am not succeeding when I do that.
    Install Rancher on Rocky Linux 9 [Step-by-Step] | GoLinuxCloud
    Most of these tutorials like above assume you are not running on NATTed IP. I tried to tunnel with different configurations(one of them that doesn't work is shown below).

    But it always keeps getting failed.

You should be able access your NAT-ed VMs by configuring port forwarding in virtualbox GUI or using command line (vboxmanage)

Are you using this ?
What is your host operating system ?

Can you provide more details, what errors are you getting from TCP stack.
Helpful tools from host side would be : nc IP PORT and traceroute.

Have you tried SOCKS option ?

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Hi @Ihattaren,

what do you mean by installed from my browser? That rancher is installed on the VM and you want to access its GUI via browser from your client?
If yes: The simpliest VB network setup is bridged. That means the VM is attached to the same network as the VB host, as if it were connected to a switch by a cable.

Select the VB host's iface (network adapter) on which your local network's IP is attached, e.g. eth0 with (list ifaces and IPs via ip a or ifconfig). The VM itself must be configured with an IP from the same network, e.g., and with the host as gateway, i.e. (or by DHCP). You should then be able to reach the VM via ssh user@ (if ssh server is enabled on it) and the rancher GUI via[:port] (ignore certificate warnings), assuming that no firewall/packet fiilter is active on the VM. Probably the GUI is listening on another port than the default-https 443, I don't know the software.


port forwarding indeed worked.