Acces through using Telnet


My current requirement is to log in ROOT to a Solaris 10 server using telnet. It is not advisable to enable telnet access but my requirement forces me to do so. So under /etc/default/login i have commented the line CONSOLE....

And still I am unable to connect. Putty console just vanishes when I tried to connect to the server with telnet option.

Please suggest ASAP.

Thanks in advance.

start the telnet service!

svcadm is your friend :wink:

read here:
Using the netservices limited Configuration (System Administration Guide: Security Services) - Sun Microsystems

Please ensure that the putty is set to connect using telnet, otherwise the default setting tries to connect using ssh.

Please make sure that telnet is running. Issue the command on the machine which has to be accessible by telnet:

#svcs -a | grep telnet
