aCC compiler error - Redefined symbols

I got this error while compiling in aCC compiler.

Error 173: "/opt/aCC/include_std/limits", line 694 # Redefined symbol
'numeric_limits<int>'; previously defined at
["/opt/aCC/include_std/limits", line 629].
Error 705: "/opt/aCC/include_std/limits", line 694 # A template must be
declared before it can be explicitly specialized.
Error 445: "/opt/aCC/include_std/limits", line 694 # Cannot recover from
earlier errors.
*** Error code 2

Can any one know the solution

A shot in the dark: try adding -DHAS_BOOL to the aCC command.

I already tried this option, but it doesnt work. Is this option links with any other option.
Do you know any other alternative way.