about moderators..

sorry to ask this question(if u find difficulty):

what you (unix.com moderators) will did and doing now?
ie how u r selected as a "moderator" for unix.com
and is unix.com is what ur full time job or it is ur part time job like that..

and is this forum is what the most popular forum(depending on the number of members and activity) or any other unix forum is there?..

Neo's reply in this post

Neo's reply in this post

sorry for my spell mistakes
what you (unix.com moderators) will did and doing now?
should be
what you did and doing now?

i saw those things but i am waiting for some more replies..

and i like to know about moderators some more.. like whether they worked for some unix flavors or their papers presented..like that...

Only the administrators (now Neo and Perderabo) here have the authority to raise a user to moderator level. They should know why they are promoting a member to moderator level. Although I can say that usually we moderators have the chance to discuss potential moderator candidates before they are elected in a private forum (only moderators see that).

No, the moderators here are not paid staff. We work on a voluntary basis and were regular members like you before we became moderators.

As you may appreciate, Unix is itself very diverse, comprising domain knowledge in many areas, so it is natural to think that different moderators here are proficient in different areas of Unix at different positions. Together the moderation team here has expertise in many areas that allows the community to grow and mature. It was an honour of mine to be awarded moderation privilege when I was still in university. Other moderators have other respective strengths. Every one of us was promoted for a different reason.

There's one thing in common though. I believe all members of the moderator team love this place, and would like to devote our efforts to help keep unix.com a nice place for exchange of knowledge particularly to Unix. The policing duties of moderators serve to ensure that the forum will go as smoothly as possible for the community.

All of the moderators have contributed a lot of posts to this site. Read their posts and you will get to know them. Also, anyone, moderators included, can post some remarks about themselves in their profiles. Click on my profile and you will learn that I'm a Unix sysadmin. I'm not posting anything more... you guys know how bashful I am. :slight_smile: