aborted due to compilation error

I wanted to edit the time for a cron job that cleans out the quarantine in mailscanner.


I edited the file


# Change the next line to 0 instead of 1 to enable this script.
# By default it will be disabled and will not do anything.

#$disabled = 0;

$quarantine_dir = '/var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine';
days_to_keep   = 7;

exit if $disabled;

Changed the days to keep to 7 instead of 30 and then enabled the script.

When I ran the script I got the following error

 cron.daily]#  ./clean.quarantine
Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at ./clean.quarantine line 16, near "7;"
Execution of ./clean.quarantine aborted due to compilation errors.

What could of caused the script to bomb like that?
FYI I used vi to edit the file.


days_to_keep   = 7;

should be

$days_to_keep   = 7;

i figured it was something that simple