A small project with bash script and craigslist

Before I start, I'm posting this for community knowledge, not to offend anyone. I thought it was an interesting project so that's why I'm sharing it.

In the notorious erotic classified ads of craigslist, thousands of individuals post classifieds, using the internet to sell themselves with an ease never before seen in history. Many resort to posting their phone numbers for their prospective clientele and establish a time and location where the exchange of money and sex will begin.

As these individuals move from place to place, they post their contact information in the respective city/state within craigslist in order to target the appropriate audience. These individuals will maintain their phone number as they move from city to city. This then leaves a record of a phone, a location and a time.

Using this data (phone numbers posted, time posted and location of the post), I've created a bash shell script that generates a Google Earth KML file, depicting the movements of these phone numbers as they post to the craigslist erotic services page relative to the city they are in.

This script:
1) Downloads the latest RSS feeds from all the erotic classifieds in all the craigslist websites relative to its city/state.
2) Obtains the post page URL where individuals post their information and downloads it into a directory named after its respective city/state.
3) Dumps in raw text the html output (from links text browser) into a "raw data" file, modifies this data, extracting and saving the list of phone numbers per city/state into a file and naming this file with the date and time.
4) Uses awk to create a table based on the phone number, date saved and location saved on craigslist.
5) Adds a decimal latitude and longitude for the city where the classified was psoted, making the table have four fields: phone, date, location name and location latlongs in decimal form.
6) Finally, using awk again, formats this data into a KML file so it can be read by Google Earth. The file will be dumped in the "dbout" directory as "dbout.kml."

A couple of notes: Sorry, I don't create anything outside this platform but I'm sure you could adjust it to fit your needs in whatever OS you run. Also, I'm self taught so if you notice there's a better way of doing something, don't bash. We're all here to learn.

This was a little project that I figured would be interesting to do so I chose the erotic ads on craigslist because it was simply a reliable data set. Plus, it would be interesting to see how far the industry goes to do what it does.

In some cases, I've noticed false positives. The script looks for a 10-digit number in the posts so some data may be a little jacked.

I recommend running this within a directory and not in your /home/user directory or something. You need wget, cat, rpl, awk, links, sort, grep, uniq, column and find to run it so make sure you get them before you do. Save the script as begin.sh and execute it with "sh begin.sh".

Anyways, here's the script.

rm -rf cities/*
rm -rf data/* 
rm -rf dbout/tmp
mkdir dbout/tmp
echo "Downloading RSS feeds."
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://abilene.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/abilene/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/akroncanton/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://albany.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/albany/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://albuquerque.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/albuquerque/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://allentown.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/allentown/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://altoona.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/altoona/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://amarillo.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/amarillo/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://ames.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/ames/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://anchorage.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/anchorage/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://annapolis.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/annapolis/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://annarbor.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/annarbor/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://appleton.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/appleton/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://asheville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/asheville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://athensga.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/athensga/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://athensohio.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/athensohio/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://atlanta.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/atlanta/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://auburn.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/auburn/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://augusta.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/augusta/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://austin.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/austin/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://bakersfield.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/bakersfield/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://baltimore.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/baltimore/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://batonrouge.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/batonrouge/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://beaumont.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/beaumont/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://bellingham.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/bellingham/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://bend.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/bend/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://bgky.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/bgky/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://bham.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/bham/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://binghamton.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/binghamton/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://blacksburg.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/blacksburg/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://bloomington.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/bloomington/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://bn.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/bn/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://boise.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/boise/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://boone.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/boone/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://boston.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/boston/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://boulder.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/boulder/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://brownsville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/brownsville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://brunswick.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/brunswick/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://buffalo.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/buffalo/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://burlington.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/burlington/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://capecod.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/capecod/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://carbondale.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/carbondale/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://catskills.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/catskills/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://cedarrapids.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/cedarrapids/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://centralmich.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/centralmich/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://chambana.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/chambana/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://charleston.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/charleston/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://charlestonwv.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/charlestonwv/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://charlotte.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/charlotte/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://charlottesville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/charlottesville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://chattanooga.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/chattanooga/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://chautauqua.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/chautauqua/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://chicago.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/chicago/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://chico.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/chico/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/cincinnati/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://clarksville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/clarksville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://cleveland.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/cleveland/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://cnj.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/cnj/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://collegestation.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/collegestation/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://columbia.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/columbia/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://columbiamo.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/columbiamo/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://columbus.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/columbus/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://columbusga.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/columbusga/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://corpuschristi.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/corpuschristi/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://corvallis.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/corvallis/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://cosprings.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/cosprings/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://dallas.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/dallas/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://danville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/danville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://daytona.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/daytona/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://dayton.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/dayton/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://decatur.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/decatur/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://delaware.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/delaware/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://denver.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/denver/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://desmoines.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/desmoines/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://detroit.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/detroit/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://dothan.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/dothan/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://dubuque.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/dubuque/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://duluth.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/duluth/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://easternshore.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/easternshore/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://eastidaho.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/eastidaho/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://eastnc.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/eastnc/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://eastoregon.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/eastoregon/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://easttexas.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/easttexas/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://eauclaire.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/eauclaire/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://elmira.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/elmira/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://elpaso.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/elpaso/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://erie.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/erie/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://eugene.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/eugene/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://evansville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/evansville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://fargo.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/fargo/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://farmington.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/farmington/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://fayar.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/fayar/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://fayetteville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/fayetteville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://flagstaff.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/flagstaff/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://flint.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/flint/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://florencesc.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/florencesc/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://fortcollins.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/fortcollins/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://fortmyers.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/fortmyers/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://fortsmith.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/fortsmith/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://fortwayne.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/fortwayne/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://fredericksburg.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/fredericksburg/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://fresno.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/fresno/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://gadsden.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/gadsden/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://gainesville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/gainesville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://galveston.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/galveston/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://goldcountry.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/goldcountry/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://grandisland.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/grandisland/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://grandrapids.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/grandrapids/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://greenbay.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/greenbay/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://greensboro.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/greensboro/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://greenville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/greenville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://gulfport.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/gulfport/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://harrisburg.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/harrisburg/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://harrisonburg.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/harrisonburg/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://hartford.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/hartford/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://hattiesburg.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/hattiesburg/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://hickory.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/hickory/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://hiltonhead.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/hiltonhead/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://honolulu.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/honolulu/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://houston.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/houston/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/hudsonvalley/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://humboldt.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/humboldt/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://huntington.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/huntington/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://huntsville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/huntsville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://imperial.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/imperial/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://indianapolis.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/indianapolis/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://inlandempire.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/inlandempire/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://iowacity.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/iowacity/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://ithaca.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/ithaca/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://jackson.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/jackson/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://jacksontn.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/jacksontn/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://jacksonville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/jacksonville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://janesville.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/janesville/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://jerseyshore.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/jerseyshore/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://jonesboro.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/jonesboro/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://joplin.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/joplin/
wget -c -nc -q -t 0 --user-agent="" "http://jxn.craigslist.org/search/ers/?query=w4m&format=rss" -P cities/jxn/
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echo "RSS download complete."
echo "Obtaining post URLs."
{     while read line1; do 
          mv cities/$line1/index* cities/$line1/rsspost
          cat cities/$line1/rsspost | grep resource > cities/$line1/posts.url
          mkdir data/$line1
          mkdir phlist/$line1
ls -1 cities/ | post
{     while read line1; do 
          rpl -q "  <rdf:li rdf:resource=" "" cities/$line1/posts.url
          rpl -q " />" "" cities/$line1/posts.url
          rpl -e -q "\042" "" cities/$line1/posts.url
ls -1 cities/ | replace
echo "Downloading posts."
{     while read line1; do 
          wget -c -q -t 0 --user-agent="" -P cities/$line1/ -i cities/$line1/posts.url
ls -1 cities/ | get
echo "Download complete."
{     while read line1; do
          cat cities/$line1/*.html > data/$line1/rawdata
ls -1 cities/ | datadump
{     while read line1; do
          links -dump -no-references -no-numbering data/$line1/rawdata > data/$line1/rawdata.txt
ls -1 cities/ | dump
echo "Tailoring data."
rpl -q -i "zero" "0" data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -q -i "one" "1" data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -q -i "two" "2" data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -q -i "three" "3" data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -q -i "four" "4" data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -q -i "five" "5" data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -q -i "six" "6" data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -q -i "seven" "7" data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -q -i "eight" "8" data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -q -i "nine" "9" data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\041' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\042' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\043' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\044' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\045' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\046' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\047' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
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rpl -R -q -e '\058' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
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rpl -R -q -e '\089' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
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rpl -R -q -e '\116' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
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rpl -R -q -e '\165' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
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rpl -R -q -e '\167' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
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rpl -R -q -e '\214' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
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rpl -R -q -e '\325' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\326' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\327' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\328' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\329' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\330' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\331' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\332' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\333' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\334' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\335' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\336' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\337' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\338' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\339' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\340' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\341' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\342' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\343' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\344' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\345' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\346' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\347' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\348' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\349' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\350' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\351' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\352' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\353' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\354' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\355' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\356' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\357' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\358' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\359' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\360' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\361' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\362' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\363' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
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rpl -R -q -e '\367' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\368' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\369' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\370' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\371' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\372' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\373' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\374' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\375' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\376' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q -e '\377' " " data/*/rawdata.txt
rpl -R -q " " "" data/*/rawdata.txt
{     while read line1; do
          sort -u -n data/$line1/rawdata.txt | grep "^[[:digit:]]\{10\}$" | awk '{if ($1 > "2011000000") print $1}' > phlist/$line1/"`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M`"
ls -1 cities/ | tailor2
echo "Raw data output complete. Starting KML file generation."
find phlist -mindepth 2 -exec grep -H [[:digit:]] {} \; | column -t -s"/"":" | awk '{print $4"\t"$3"\t"$2"_"}' | sort -n | awk '
{sub ("\tabilene_", "\tabilene\t-99.683333333333,32.416666666667");
sub ("\takroncanton_", "\takroncanton\t-81.433333333333,40.916666666667");
sub ("\talbany_", "\talbany\t-73.800000000000,42.750000000000");
sub ("\talbuquerque_", "\talbuquerque\t-106.616666666667,35.050000000000");
sub ("\tallentown_", "\tallentown\t-75.433333333333,40.650000000000");
sub ("\taltoona_", "\taltoona\t-78.316666666667,40.300000000000");
sub ("\tamarillo_", "\tamarillo\t-100.700000000000,35.233333333333");
sub ("\tames_", "\tames\t-93.800000000000,42.033333333333");
sub ("\tanchorage_", "\tanchorage\t-150.016666666667,61.166666666667");
sub ("\tannapolis_", "\tannapolis\t-76.501158000000,38.972944000000");
sub ("\tannarbor_", "\tannarbor\t-83.748333333333,42.281388888889");
sub ("\tappleton_", "\tappleton\t-88.383333333333,44.250000000000");
sub ("\tasheville_", "\tasheville\t-82.533333333333,35.433333333333");
sub ("\tathensga_", "\tathensga\t-83.316666666667,33.950000000000");
sub ("\tathensohio_", "\tathensohio\t-82.100000000000,39.333333333333");
sub ("\tatlanta_", "\tatlanta\t-84.433333333333,33.650000000000");
sub ("\tauburn_", "\tauburn\t-85.500000000000,32.600000000000");
sub ("\taugusta_", "\taugusta\t-81.966666666667,33.366666666667");
sub ("\taustin_", "\taustin\t-97.700000000000,30.300000000000");
sub ("\tbakersfield_", "\tbakersfield\t-119.050000000000,35.416666666667");
sub ("\tbaltimore_", "\tbaltimore\t-76.666666666667,39.183333333333");
sub ("\tbatonrouge_", "\tbatonrouge\t-91.150000000000,30.533333333333");
sub ("\tbeaumont_", "\tbeaumont\t-94.016666666667,29.950000000000");
sub ("\tbellingham_", "\tbellingham\t-122.533333333333,48.800000000000");
sub ("\tbend_", "\tbend\t-121.316666666667,44.066666666667");
sub ("\tbgky_", "\tbgky\t-86.466666666667,35.966666666667");
sub ("\tbham_", "\tbham\t-86.750000000000,33.566666666667");
sub ("\tbinghamton_", "\tbinghamton\t-75.983333333333,42.216666666667");
sub ("\tblacksburg_", "\tblacksburg\t-80.417778000000,37.230000000000");
sub ("\tbloomington_", "\tbloomington\t-86.616666666667,39.133333333333");
sub ("\tbn_", "\tbn\t-88.950000000000,40.483333333333");
sub ("\tboise_", "\tboise\t-116.216666666667,43.566666666667");
sub ("\tboone_", "\tboone\t-81.668611000000,36.211389000000");
sub ("\tboston_", "\tboston\t-71.033333333333,42.366666666667");
sub ("\tboulder_", "\tboulder\t-105.266666666667,40.000000000000");
sub ("\tbrownsville_", "\tbrownsville\t-97.433333333333,25.900000000000");
sub ("\tbrunswick_", "\tbrunswick\t-81.483333333333,31.250000000000");
sub ("\tbuffalo_", "\tbuffalo\t-78.733333333333,42.933333333333");
sub ("\tburlington_", "\tburlington\t-73.150000000000,44.466666666667");
sub ("\tcapecod_", "\tcapecod\t-70.296940000000,41.688890000000");
sub ("\tcarbondale_", "\tcarbondale\t-89.250000000000,37.783333333333");
sub ("\tcatskills_", "\tcatskills\t-74.386389000000,41.998611000000");
sub ("\tcedarrapids_", "\tcedarrapids\t-91.700000000000,41.883333333333");
sub ("\tcentralmich_", "\tcentralmich\t-84.766666666667,43.583333333333");
sub ("\tchambana_", "\tchambana\t-88.283333333333,40.033333333333");
sub ("\tcharleston_", "\tcharleston\t-80.033333333333,32.900000000000");
sub ("\tcharlestonwv_", "\tcharlestonwv\t-81.600000000000,38.366666666667");
sub ("\tcharlotte_", "\tcharlotte\t-80.933333333333,35.216666666667");
sub ("\tcharlottesville_", "\tcharlottesville\t-78.516666666667,38.033333333333");
sub ("\tchattanooga_", "\tchattanooga\t-85.200000000000,35.033333333333");
sub ("\tchautauqua_", "\tchautauqua\t-79.410000000000,42.300000000000");
sub ("\tchicago_", "\tchicago\t-87.633333333333,41.883333333333");
sub ("\tchico_", "\tchico\t-121.850000000000,39.800000000000");
sub ("\tcincinnati_", "\tcincinnati\t-84.516666666667,39.150000000000");
sub ("\tclarksville_", "\tclarksville\t-87.366666666667,36.550000000000");
sub ("\tcleveland_", "\tcleveland\t-81.850000000000,41.400000000000");
sub ("\tcnj_", "\tcnj\t-74.756111000000,40.221667000000");
sub ("\tcollegestation_", "\tcollegestation\t-96.314444000000,30.601389000000");
sub ("\tcolumbia_", "\tcolumbia\t-81.116666666667,33.950000000000");
sub ("\tcolumbiamo_", "\tcolumbiamo\t-92.366666666667,38.966666666667");
sub ("\tcolumbus_", "\tcolumbus\t-82.883333333333,40.000000000000");
sub ("\tcolumbusga_", "\tcolumbusga\t-84.933333333333,32.516666666667");
sub ("\tcorpuschristi_", "\tcorpuschristi\t-97.500000000000,27.766666666667");
sub ("\tcorvallis_", "\tcorvallis\t-123.283333333333,44.500000000000");
sub ("\tcosprings_", "\tcosprings\t-104.716666666667,38.816666666667");
sub ("\tdallas_", "\tdallas\t-96.850000000000,32.850000000000");
sub ("\tdanville_", "\tdanville\t-79.333333333333,36.566666666667");
sub ("\tdayton_", "\tdaytona\t-81.050000000000,29.183333333333");
sub ("\tdaytona_", "\tdayton\t-84.216666666667,39.900000000000");
sub ("\tdecatur_", "\tdecatur\t-88.866666666667,39.833333333333");
sub ("\tdelaware_", "\tdelaware\t-75.466666666667,39.133333333333");
sub ("\tdenver_", "\tdenver\t-104.866666666667,39.750000000000");
sub ("\tdesmoines_", "\tdesmoines\t-93.650000000000,41.533333333333");
sub ("\tdetroit_", "\tdetroit\t-83.016666666667,42.416666666667");
sub ("\tdothan_", "\tdothan\t-85.450000000000,31.316666666667");
sub ("\tdubuque_", "\tdubuque\t-90.700000000000,42.400000000000");
sub ("\tduluth_", "\tduluth\t-92.183333333333,46.833333333333");
sub ("\teasternshore_", "\teasternshore\t-75.593333000000,38.365833000000");
sub ("\teastidaho_", "\teastidaho\t-112.032500000000,43.491667000000");
sub ("\teastnc_", "\teastnc\t-77.372500000000,35.601667000000");
sub ("\teastoregon_", "\teastoregon\t-123.028889000000,44.930833000000");
sub ("\teasttexas_", "\teasttexas\t-95.266666666667,32.350000000000");
sub ("\teauclaire_", "\teauclaire\t-91.483333333333,44.866666666667");
sub ("\telmira_", "\telmira\t-76.900000000000,42.166666666667");
sub ("\telpaso_", "\telpaso\t-106.400000000000,31.800000000000");
sub ("\terie_", "\terie\t-80.183333333333,42.083333333333");
sub ("\teugene_", "\teugene\t-123.216666666667,44.116666666667");
sub ("\tevansville_", "\tevansville\t-87.533333333333,38.050000000000");
sub ("\tfargo_", "\tfargo\t-96.800000000000,46.900000000000");
sub ("\tfarmington_", "\tfarmington\t-90.400000000000,37.766666666667");
sub ("\tfayar_", "\tfayar\t-94.166666666667,36.000000000000");
sub ("\tfayetteville_", "\tfayetteville\t-79.016666666667,35.166666666667");
sub ("\tflagstaff_", "\tflagstaff\t-111.666666666667,35.133333333333");
sub ("\tflint_", "\tflint\t-83.733333333333,42.966666666667");
sub ("\tflorencesc_", "\tflorencesc\t-79.716666666667,34.183333333333");
sub ("\tfortcollins_", "\tfortcollins\t-105.083333333333,40.750000000000");
sub ("\tfortmyers_", "\tfortmyers\t-81.866666666667,26.583333333333");
sub ("\tfortsmith_", "\tfortsmith\t-94.366666666667,35.333333333333");
sub ("\tfortwayne_", "\tfortwayne\t-85.200000000000,41.000000000000");
sub ("\tfredericksburg_", "\tfredericksburg\t-77.466666666667,38.300000000000");
sub ("\tfresno_", "\tfresno\t-119.716666666667,36.766666666667");
sub ("\tgadsden_", "\tgadsden\t-86.000000000000,34.016666666667");
sub ("\tgainesville_", "\tgainesville\t-82.266666666667,29.683333333333");
sub ("\tgalveston_", "\tgalveston\t-94.800000000000,29.300000000000");
sub ("\tgoldcountry_", "\tgoldcountry\t-120.803056000000,38.729767000000");
sub ("\tgrandisland_", "\tgrandisland\t-98.316666666667,40.983333333333");
sub ("\tgrandrapids_", "\tgrandrapids\t-85.516666666667,42.883333333333");
sub ("\tgreenbay_", "\tgreenbay\t-88.133333333333,44.483333333333");
sub ("\tgreensboro_", "\tgreensboro\t-79.950000000000,36.083333333333");
sub ("\tgreenville_", "\tgreenville\t-82.216666666667,34.900000000000");
sub ("\tgulfport_", "\tgulfport\t-89.076111000000,30.401667000000");
sub ("\tharrisburg_", "\tharrisburg\t-76.766666666667,40.200000000000");
sub ("\tharrisonburg_", "\tharrisonburg\t-78.900000000000,38.450000000000");
sub ("\thartford_", "\thartford\t-72.650000000000,41.733333333333");
sub ("\thattiesburg_", "\thattiesburg\t-89.250000000000,31.266666666667");
sub ("\thickory_", "\thickory\t-81.383333333333,35.750000000000");
sub ("\thiltonhead_", "\thiltonhead\t-80.742947000000,32.178828000000");
sub ("\thonolulu_", "\thonolulu\t-157.916666666667,21.333333333333");
sub ("\thouston_", "\thouston\t-95.366666666667,29.983333333333");
sub ("\thudsonvalley_", "\thudsonvalley\t-74.122222000000,41.826944000000");
sub ("\thumboldt_", "\thumboldt\t-124.162778000000,40.790000000000");
sub ("\thuntington_", "\thuntington\t-82.500000000000,38.416666666667");
sub ("\thuntsville_", "\thuntsville\t-86.583333333333,34.700000000000");
sub ("\timperial_", "\timperial\t-115.558056000000,32.788056000000");
sub ("\tindianapolis_", "\tindianapolis\t-86.283333333333,39.733333333333");
sub ("\tinlandempire_", "\tinlandempire\t-117.293056000000,34.129444000000");
sub ("\tiowacity_", "\tiowacity\t-91.550000000000,41.633333333333");
sub ("\tithaca_", "\tithaca\t-76.483333333333,42.450000000000");
sub ("\tjackson_", "\tjackson\t-90.083333333333,32.316666666667");
sub ("\tjacksontn_", "\tjacksontn\t-88.916666666667,35.600000000000");
sub ("\tjacksonville_", "\tjacksonville\t-81.700000000000,30.500000000000");
sub ("\tjanesville_", "\tjanesville\t-89.031667000000,42.508330000000");
sub ("\tjerseyshore_", "\tjerseyshore\t-74.077500000000,39.927222000000");
sub ("\tjonesboro_", "\tjonesboro\t-90.700000000000,35.833333333333");
sub ("\tjoplin_", "\tjoplin\t-94.500000000000,37.150000000000");
sub ("\tjxn_", "\tjxn\t-84.466666666667,42.266666666667");
sub ("\tkalamazoo_", "\tkalamazoo\t-85.600000000000,42.283333333333");
sub ("\tkansascity_", "\tkansascity\t-94.583333333333,39.116666666667");
sub ("\tkeys_", "\tkeys\t-81.544170000000,24.666940000000");
sub ("\tkilleen_", "\tkilleen\t-97.683333333333,31.083333333333");
sub ("\tknoxville_", "\tknoxville\t-83.983333333333,35.816666666667");
sub ("\tkpr_", "\tkpr\t-119.159167000000,46.203611000000");
sub ("\tksu_", "\tksu\t-96.766666666667,39.050000000000");
sub ("\tlacrosse_", "\tlacrosse\t-91.250000000000,43.866666666667");
sub ("\tlafayette_", "\tlafayette\t-92.000000000000,30.200000000000");
sub ("\tlakecharles_", "\tlakecharles\t-93.216666666667,30.116666666667");
sub ("\tlakeland_", "\tlakeland\t-81.950000000000,28.033333333333");
sub ("\tlancaster_", "\tlancaster\t-76.300000000000,40.116666666667");
sub ("\tlansing_", "\tlansing\t-84.600000000000,42.783333333333");
sub ("\tlaredo_", "\tlaredo\t-99.450000000000,27.533333333333");
sub ("\tlascruces_", "\tlascruces\t-106.916666666667,32.300000000000");
sub ("\tlasvegas_", "\tlasvegas\t-115.166666666667,36.083333333333");
sub ("\tlawrence_", "\tlawrence\t-71.166666666667,42.700000000000");
sub ("\tlawton_", "\tlawton\t-98.416666666667,34.566666666667");
sub ("\tlexington_", "\tlexington\t-84.600000000000,38.033333333333");
sub ("\tlimaohio_", "\tlimaohio\t-84.033333333333,40.700000000000");
sub ("\tlincoln_", "\tlincoln\t-96.750000000000,40.850000000000");
sub ("\tlittlerock_", "\tlittlerock\t-92.233333333333,34.733333333333");
sub ("\tlogan_", "\tlogan\t-111.816666666667,41.750000000000");
sub ("\tlongisland_", "\tlongisland\t-73.300000000000,40.800000000000");
sub ("\tlosangeles_", "\tlosangeles\t-118.233333333333,34.050000000000");
sub ("\tlouisville_", "\tlouisville\t-85.733333333333,38.183333333333");
sub ("\tlubbock_", "\tlubbock\t-101.816666666667,33.650000000000");
sub ("\tlynchburg_", "\tlynchburg\t-79.200000000000,37.333333333333");
sub ("\tmacon_", "\tmacon\t-83.650000000000,32.700000000000");
sub ("\tmadison_", "\tmadison\t-89.333333333333,43.133333333333");
sub ("\tmaine_", "\tmaine\t-93.983333333333,44.150000000000");
sub ("\tmankato_", "\tmankato\t-93.983333333333,44.150000000000");
sub ("\tmansfield_", "\tmansfield\t-82.516666666667,40.816666666667");
sub ("\tmartinsburg_", "\tmartinsburg\t-77.983333333333,39.400000000000");
sub ("\tmcallen_", "\tmcallen\t-98.216666666667,26.200000000000");
sub ("\tmedford_", "\tmedford\t-122.866666666667,42.366666666667");
sub ("\tmemphis_", "\tmemphis\t-90.000000000000,35.050000000000");
sub ("\tmendocino_", "\tmendocino\t-123.796111000000,39.308056000000");
sub ("\tmerced_", "\tmerced\t-120.566666666667,37.383333333333");
sub ("\tmiami_", "\tmiami\t-80.266666666667,25.800000000000");
sub ("\tmilwaukee_", "\tmilwaukee\t-87.900000000000,42.950000000000");
sub ("\tminneapolis_", "\tminneapolis\t-98.066666666667,32.783333333333");
sub ("\tmobile_", "\tmobile\t-88.250000000000,30.683333333333");
sub ("\tmodesto_", "\tmodesto\t-121.000000000000,37.650000000000");
sub ("\tmohave_", "\tmohave\t-114.025833000000,35.208333000000");
sub ("\tmonroe_", "\tmonroe\t-92.033333333333,32.516666666667");
sub ("\tmontana_", "\tmontana\t-110.000000000000,47.000000000000");
sub ("\tmonterey_", "\tmonterey\t-121.900000000000,36.600000000000");
sub ("\tmontgomery_", "\tmontgomery\t-86.366666666667,32.383333333333");
sub ("\tmorgantown_", "\tmorgantown\t-79.916666666667,39.650000000000");
sub ("\tmuncie_", "\tmuncie\t-85.350000000000,40.183333333333");
sub ("\tmuskegon_", "\tmuskegon\t-86.233333333333,43.166666666667");
sub ("\tmyrtlebeach_", "\tmyrtlebeach\t-78.883653000000,33.709899400000");
sub ("\tnashville_", "\tnashville\t-86.683333333333,36.116666666667");
sub ("\tnd_", "\tnd\t-100.500000000000,47.500000000000");
sub ("\tnewhaven_", "\tnewhaven\t-73.916666666667,41.316666666667");
sub ("\tnewjersey_", "\tnewjersey\t-74.500000000000,40.000000000000");
sub ("\tnewlondon_", "\tnewlondon\t-72.100000000000,41.350000000000");
sub ("\tneworleans_", "\tneworleans\t-90.250000000000,29.983333333333");
sub ("\tnewyork_", "\tnewyork\t-74.000000000000,40.710000000000");
sub ("\tnh_", "\tnh\t-71.500000000000,44.000000000000");
sub ("\tnmi_", "\tnmi\t-86.022222000000,44.665556000000");
sub ("\tnorfolk_", "\tnorfolk\t-76.200000000000,36.900000000000");
sub ("\tnorthmiss_", "\tnorthmiss\t-88.820000000000,33.462500000000");
sub ("\tnwct_", "\tnwct\t-73.240000000000,41.790000000000");
sub ("\tocala_", "\tocala\t-82.133333333333,29.183333333333");
sub ("\todessa_", "\todessa\t-102.365556,31.863333");
sub ("\togden_", "\togden\t-112.016666666667,41.200000000000");
sub ("\toklahomacity_", "\toklahomacity\t-97.600000000000,35.400000000000");
sub ("\tolympic_", "\tolympic\t-122.900000000000,46.966666666667");
sub ("\tomaha_", "\tomaha\t-95.900000000000,41.300000000000");
sub ("\torangecounty_", "\torangecounty\t-117.620278000000,33.437778000000");
sub ("\toregoncoast_", "\toregoncoast\t-124.011111000000,44.966667000000");
sub ("\torlando_", "\torlando\t-81.383333333333,28.550000000000");
sub ("\touterbanks_", "\touterbanks\t-76.225000000000,36.295556000000");
sub ("\tpalmsprings_", "\tpalmsprings\t-116.533333333333,33.816666666667");
sub ("\tpanamacity_", "\tpanamacity\t-85.583333333333,30.066666666667");
sub ("\tparkersburg_", "\tparkersburg\t-81.566666666667,39.266666666667");
sub ("\tpennstate_", "\tpennstate\t-77.858611000000,40.791389000000");
sub ("\tpensacola_", "\tpensacola\t-87.216666666667,30.416666666667");
sub ("\tpeoria_", "\tpeoria\t-89.683333333333,40.666666666667");
sub ("\tphiladelphia_", "\tphiladelphia\t-75.250000000000,39.883333333333");
sub ("\tphoenix_", "\tphoenix\t-112.016666666667,33.433333333333");
sub ("\tpittsburgh_", "\tpittsburgh\t-80.216666666667,40.500000000000");
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