a sed problem

I have a text file that contains full path of some files. for example,


I want to convert this file in the following format:

/one/file.name ./file.name
/this/is/another/filename ./filename
/and/one/more/file.here ./file.here

That is, extract only the name of the file and append it to the same line, along with ./ before it

I thought of using sed, but can't get the correct regex. anobody can solve this problem?

alternative in Python:

import os,fileinput
for lines in fileinput.FileInput("input.txt",inplace=1) : #inplace edit
        lines = lines.strip() #strip newlines
        filename =  os.path.split(lines)[-1]
        print lines ,"./%s" %filename  #write to file in place


/one/file.name ./file.name
/this/is/another/filename ./filename
/and/one/more/file.here ./file.here

Try this:

sed 's_/[^/]*$_& .&_' filename


thanks much Jean-Pierre, that works very well!

while read str
      echo $str" ./"${str##/*/}
done < file