A recommended linux wireless usb adaptor

Hi guys, I've been a linux user for a day now and we are planning of moving from windows to gentoo.

unfortunately were having a heck of a trouble in configuring linksys wusb adaptor on our linux box. we got so tired of looking for any linux drivers or ndiswrapper blah for these critters but miserably failed.

does anyone know any network wireless usb adaptor /2.4ghz/802.11g from linksys or d-link or any network product makers that includes linux drivers on their boxed cd upon purchase?

were pathetic, need help. :frowning:

Try going to http://www.zoomtel.com I have used them in the past with all of my pc's and most if not all of their hardware runs with with windows, mac, and linux. I didnt even need linux drivers :smiley: for my router. If you have any questions make sure to email or call zooms tech support they have excellent customer service.