a playlist for ffmpeg streamer

Hi, I hope I am posting in the right place.

I use to stream to justin tv using ffmpeg with that command

ffmpeg -re -i "path/to/input.avi" -vcodec libx264 -preset fast -crf 30 -acodec libfaac -ab 128k -ar 44100 -f flv rtmp://live.justin.tv/app/xxxxxxxxxxx

I would like to know if a bash script could be created so after one video finished to stream, another starts right after, like a vlc playlist would do :confused:

The bash playlist could be filled up manually with filename input, that's not really important.. it s just to be able to program the listing for many hours


Did you try with a simple "while" loop ?

maybe something like :

while read myfile
ffmpeg -re -i "$myfile"  -vcodec ........
echo "$myfile were encoded with RC=$?" >>mylog
done <my_list_of_video_to_encode

well I didn't try because I have no clue how to create a bash file.. :frowning: