a main menu option?

I have created a main menu in the following way:

while true; do
	echo " "        
	echo "Main Menu: "
	echo "Please Select An Option Using The Options Provided."
	echo " "        
	echo "1 - Search All Files"
	echo " "        
	echo "2 - Search Individual Files"
        echo " "
        echo "q - Quit"
        echo " "
        echo "Please enter your option: "
        read CHOSEN_KEY
        case $CHOSEN_KEY in
                1)      echo " " 
			echo "Thank You For Selecting Search All Files"
                2)      echo " "
			echo "Thank You For Selecting Individual Search"
                q)      echo " "
			echo "Goodbye"

What i want to know is, if the user selects option 2 how do i get the code to redirect to another path. I know it is something to do with the break after option 2 is selected but what to i type to make the code go somewhere else?

It's probably easiest to take out the break and put the actual desired action inside the case statement. For readability, you might want to externalize the definition of the action into a function.

searchonefile () {
  # Replace this with more useful functionality
  grep fnord /etc/motd

searchallfiles () {
  # Ditto
  grep fnord *

while true; do
       cat <<____HERE

Main Menu: 
Please Select An Option Using The Options Provided.

1 - Search All Files

2 - Search Individual Files

q - Quit

Please enter your option: 

        read CHOSEN_KEY

        case $CHOSEN_KEY in
                1)     searchallfiles;; 
                2)     searchonefile;;
                q)      echo " "
			echo "Goodbye"