A little unsure of something

If i want to display a banner that says Happy Bday, but I want to put that output banner into a file called bday4me,

could I use the command (echo) or (banner -w35) Happy Bday >> bday4me

would this command work? Sorry for asking, but i'm at home just now and don't have access to a UNIX system.

thanks :slight_smile:

banner -w79 "Happy Birthday, Marie" > marie.txt 

Create an ascii "banner" with the width of 79 characters. The output is sent to file marie.txt.

Another utility for ascii text art is figlet.

figlet "Funny!" 

These might need to be installed. They don't seem to be standard on my particular linux system...

We do have a search function, folks. Search the Linux forum for "banner" and you might find:

banner command