A couple of grub questions.

1) After I install a new kernel in Debian Sarge, it updates my menu.lst file for grub, but incorrectly. It assumes it should boot from partition hd0,0, but this is incorrect. How do I change this faulty assumption?

2) If grub fails to find a kernel, grub allows me to enter a path to the kernel. Is there a way to list partitions/paths within grub, so that I know the correct path/partition of the kernel to boot?

1) Just change menu.lst and ensure the settings are right. Normally I will copy the compiled kernel myself and not rely on any automatic means of updating the configuration. That's too dangerous.

2) In a Grub shell, you can use the geometry command to view a list of partitions. Also, normally, I am able to enter "root (hd0,0)/" and then <TAB> to see the list of files and dir without mounting. Of course you don't press enter to commit the command. Just use it to explore the filesystem and erase the command when done.

Here is what it looks:

grub> root (hd0,0)/<TAB>
 Possible files are: lost+found home proc sys var tmp dev etc root selinux lib
usr bin boot media mnt opt sbin srv misc .autorelabel .autofsck net .lesshst se
crets.tdb .vmware